Chapter Twenty Nine

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Nicki POV

So Meek and I had a little argument and he told me to get out of his house and I did I can't stay with a liar whose also a murder I love Meek but I can't deal with his bullshit Ayanna's currently with me but she does go over Meek's house for a day since he can't really take care of her

We were both laying in bed while she was drinking her juice and playing with her ear

"Watchu wanna do today mamas?" I asked kissing her forehead

"I not know"

"You wanna go to the mall?"

She nodded

"Let's get you in the bathtub" I picked her up and threw her in the air but not too high she giggled

"Mama up" I threw her again and she giggled

"Is that funny babygirl?"

"Yes" she smiled

I turned on the water while undressing her I tested the water and put her in the tub

"You want ducky?"

She nodded I got her duck and put it in the tub with her my door bell rang

"Stay here okay? Momma's coming back"

She nodded and played with her duck I ran downstairs and opened the door and it was Omelly

"Hey" I let him in

"Wassup shawty?"

"Nothing I ain't think you know where I live"

"I know everything, where's my niece?" He asked looking around

"She's upstairs I was giving her a bath, come on" he followed me to my bedroom and we went to the bathroom

"Yaya you remember uncle Omelly"

"Hello princess" he said shaking her hand

"Hello" she smiled

"So what brings you here uncle Omelly?" I asked

"Just came to check on y'all that's all"

"You're lying, what's up with you?"

"You need to talk to Meek the dude is losing his mind without you"

"No he's not he just misses me because I kept his bed warm"

"That and my nigga really loves you I ain't never seen him like this with anybody"

"Then why is he lying to me?" 

"I don't know but I think he's tryna protect you and Ayanna"

"From what?"

"I can't tell you that but he loves you and he's falling apart"

"He deserves it" I mentally rolled my eyes

"Well can you at least unblock and hear him out then you can block him again"


"Thank you now where y'all goin'?"

"To the mall right Yaya?"


"I'll take y'all there"

"No you don't have to"

"Nahh I insist"

"Did Meek send you to look after us?"

"Yeah somethin' like that, imma be waiting for y'all in the kitchen"

"You better not open my fridge or imma kill you nigga"

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