Chapter Fourty Seven

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Meek POV

"No please, please don't, I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I heard Nicki cry

I woke up and looked at her she kept crying and saying sorry I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead

"Shhh baby it's just a bad dream" I smoothly rubbed her back

She came down I wonder what was she dreaming about it was 2 am and it was quiet I wiped her tears away I kept kissing her forehead she finally fell asleep and I also went back to sleep

I woke up and Nicki was starring at the wall

"Morning babe" I kissed her cheek

She didn't even move she just starred at the wall

"Nicki? Nicki!" I tapped her on her shoulder

She jumped

"Relax it's just me, you okay?" I asked

She just nodded

"Babe what's wrong? Talk to me you know I'm here for you" I said moving closer to her

She just broke down and cried

"No no Nicki don't do this to yourself baby tell me what's wrong" I comforted her

"I'm going to hell Meek, I killed him" she cried

"Shh that's not gonna happen" I said kissing her cheek

She wiped her tears away and laid on my chest

"I'm taking Ayanna to school and you just relax okay?"

She nodded I kissed her forehead and went to Ayanna's room

She was still sleeping all laid out on the bed her pillows were on the floor I went to her bathroom and turned on the water for her I put in her duck and made bubbles for her I went back to her and woke her up I bathed her and she got dressed I tried to do her hair but I failed she got a lot of hair

"You got a lot of hair babygirl you should cut it" I said

"Cut it like daddy's hair?" She asked

"Yeah" I said

"No I'm not a boy" she said and I laughed

I did a simple push back and gave her a hair band at least I tried

"Daddy where's mommy?" She asked

"Mommy's not feeling well today" I said

"Her tummy hurts?" She asked

"Yeah something like that"

"Can I give her tummy tum a kiss so she can feel better?"

She's so sweet

"Yeah let's go" I said

We walked into our bedroom and Nicki was laying in bed starring at the ceiling I think she's losing her mind

"Mommy?" Ayanna jumped on the bed

"Yes baby?" Nicki sat up and hugged her

"It's gonna be okay mommy tummy hurts don't last forever" she said

Tummy hurts? Wtf?

She lifted up Nicki's pyjama and kissed her stomach

"It'll get better soon" she said and hugged Nicki

"Thank you babygirl" she hugged her tightly

Tears rolled down Nicki's cheek

"I love you mommy"

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