Chapter Fifty Three

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Meek POV

I drove to this other church in our neighborhood I need to get help I found a few ladies cleaning I asked for the pastor and they sent me to his office I knocked on the door and he let me I greeted him and sat down

"How can I help you son?" He asked

"I need help I've done bad things in my life and they are coming to haunt me" I said

"Don't worry son we're gonna pray about it and let God take control" he said

We closed our eyes and prayed afterwards

"I have killed father, I even killed my own mother but it was a mistake I didn't mean for it to happen" I said panicking

"Calm down son, start from the beginning and try to relax I'm not here to judge"

"I killed my ex girlfriend and stole her daughter and now her grandmother is looking for her and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill her I'm married and I wanted to make my wife happy by stealing Ayanna they really love each other and I don't want to lose them they mean the world to me" I explained

"How old is your daughter?" He asked

"She's 4" I said

"You do know that stealing is a sin but stealing a human being it's a ticket to hell, you need to do the right thing son I know it may be difficult but her family misses her and needs her. She's a child and she doesn't know anything but you know what to do" he said

I cried I don't wanna lose my daughter

"How am I gonna live without her? She's my everything" I said

"You will live, the only person you can't live without is God himself" he said

This old fool does not understand how much I love that little girl she brightens up my day

"I can't live without her she's my lung"

"Son do the right thing we all want to go to heaven and live happily ever after and maybe one day you'll meet her in heaven" he said

I nodded

"Thank you father" I said

I stood up and shook his hand

"May the good Lord be with you forever and always" he said

I went to the alta and prayed I need strength for this

I drove back home I found Nicki and Ayanna playing outside with Max and the so-called Ben 10 they were so happy I don't wanna take that happiness away from my wife

"Look kids, daddy's home" Ayanna said

I hope she didn't call Nicki a kid her dogs came running to me

"My daddy's home" she said dancing

She ran to me

"Daddy you're back" she said smiling

"Yeah I'm back princess" I picked her up

She's getting heavy

"What did you bring me?" She asked

"My never ending love" I said

"No I want something else" she said

"You don't want daddy's never ending love?" I asked a bit offended

"Duh Meeky that's what I said" She said

I laughed

"Well I didn't bring anything cause I thought you'd love playing unicorn rides with me" I said remembering how she used to spank my ass and told me to run faster

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