Chapter Fifty Nine

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Nicki POV

Kevin and Kelsey dropped me off at Omelly's house I knocked on the door with Max in my arms

I knocked harder

The door opened and it was Thembi

"Girl where the hell have you been? I was so worried about you" she said

"Hey Aunt tems" Ayanna said hugging Thembi

"Hey baby I missed you so much" she kissed Ayanna's forehead

I got in and put the dog down

"Go say hi to uncle Omelly baby" I said

"He is in his study room" Thembi said

"Owelly" she said smiling

She ran to his study room and her dogs followed her

"Where the hell have you been? I was fuckin' worried about you" she yelled

"The child protection services knows that Meek kidnapped Ayanna so we ran away trying to get them off our case then Meek got legal adoption papers so Ayanna is legally mine so Meek write a letter saying that he is going to hand himself to the police cause we've been arguing a lot lately and I can't let him do that, Ayanna needs her father" I explained

"Y'alls relationship is toxic as hell, y'all need to sort out ya problems cause anything that happens will affect Ayanna" she said

"I know that's why I came back we need to fix things" I said

"Okay we'll talk to Omelly and maybe we can find a way to get Meek home" she said

"Thank you Tems" I hugged her

"No problem Nicki" she said

"Let's go make tea and catch up I see you're getting big" I said

"Girl don't even start" she sighed


"Shiiiit" I bit my lip

I sat up and felt a stabbing pain in my stomach my pyjama shorts were wet

Why did I pee myself?

I sat there tried to relax I looked at Ayanna next to me and kissed her forehead

I closed my eyes then I felt another sharp pain


I picked up my phone and called Thembi

Phone conversation:

Thembi: What?

Nicki: I think I'm paralyzed

She laughed

Thembi: Girl it's the middle of the night this ain't no time for jokes

Nicki: Thembi I'm serious my pants are wet and I'm in pain

Thembi: Okay okay I'm coming to your room now now

I hung up and prayed that I don't become paralyzed cause I won't be able to take care of Ayanna

The door opened Thembi ran to me with Omelly behind her

"What's wrong Nicki?" She asked

"I peed myself" I said crying

"No no baby don't cry, it's okay we'll change the sheets and take you to a doctor in the morning" she said

"But I'm in pain Thembi" I said

Omelly picked up Ayanna and took her to another room 

She got a towel then took off my pants and underwear

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