Chapter Thirty Nine

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Meek POV

I woke up with Ayanna sleeping on my chest snoring in a cute way and Nicki had her heavy leg on top of mine

"My girls" I smiled looking at them

I tried to remove Ayanna on my chest but she whined I laid back and played with her hair

I can't wait to marry Nicki and make her my wife this gotta be the biggest wedding in history everybody gotta know that I wifed her beautiful sexy ass

"I'm gonna marry ya momma and give her a lot of babies" I said kissing Ayanna's forehead

I'm truly blessed

Nicki and I were sitting on the couch I was on Instagram exploring and Nicki was looking for wedding dresses Ayanna was watching TV/dancing and making a whole lotta noise she sang with the cartoon song and did the dance move Max was just starring at her I opened the camera and took her a video she was jumping around throwing her hands up in the air and poking her butt out I laughed and ended the video she stopped and came over to us

"Mommy?" She said looking at Nicki but she didn't answer

"Mommy" she said tapping her thigh

"No Ayanna ask your daddy" she said without looking at her she walked over to me and sat on my lap


"Yes Ayanna?"

"What's a headache?" She asked starring at me dead in the eyes

"Uhm it's a migraine" I answered

"What's a midrain?"

"Ask ya momma"

"Mommy what's a midrain?" She asked turning to Nicki's direction she sighed and put her tablet down

"A migraine is a painful sensation in any part of the head it is caused by different things like noise, a powerful smell or even hunger"

"So I'm a painful sesation?" She asked

"No babygirl, where did you hear that?"

"Daddy when he was giving you the gun he said I'm a headache"

"The gun?" We both said

"Yes, this" she said pointing to Nicki's engagement ring

"No babygirl that's a ring not a gun" I said correcting her

"And you're not a headache babygirl" she said kissing her forehead

"See daddy I'm a good girl" she got off and went back to dancing with the TV

"You're such a meanie" she hit my arm

"But she is" I said shrugging my shoulders

"You're the headache, stop being mean to my babygirl"


"Robert!" I heard somebody call my name I ignored it and continued walking

"Rihmeek!" The voice yelled I turned around and saw Kathy I immediately got irritated

She caught up to me

"I've been calling you" she said fanning herself

"I know I heard you"

"How you been?" She said still panting

"I'm fine" I said dryly

"I heard that you and Nicki got engaged"


"So when's the wedding?"

"You ain't invited" I said with a mug

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