Chapter Fifty Seven

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Nicki POV

Meek woke me up at 3 am because we had to "migrate" I was so freakin' mad I was ready to kill him

He carried Ayanna to the car and our bags I took the dogs to the car then got in and waited for him he got in and tried to kiss me but I stopped him

"You've been moody lately" he said

"Nigga please don't try me" I said

"Whatever" he said as he put the key in the ignition

He did not just whatever me

This nigga has a death wish

He started driving it was still dark outside and extremely cold he turned on the heater I looked outside the window and dosed off to sleep


We got to this weird place Ayanna was now awake and singing

"We are here!" He said parking his car

"Whose house is this?" I asked

"Don't worry baby we're safe"

He got out of the car he opened my door and Ayanna's door I got out

The front door opened and a man and a woman came out they were all smiles 

I don't like them

They welcomed us and took our bags inside, their house is not as big as ours they showed us our room

"Feel free to ask for anything, I'm not mean" she said

"I will and thank you for welcoming us" I said

She nodded and left I sighed and threw myself on the bed

The door opened and I saw Ayanna coming in

"Mama are you sick?" She asked

"No, why you asking baby?"

"You look sick" she said

"Well I'm not sick baby" I said

She climbed on the bed and kissed my cheek

"Mommy where's your mommy?" She asked

"My mother is in heaven" I said

It's been a while since I thought about my mom

"Where is that? Do they have candy and cake and pies?" She asked

"Heaven is far far away from us" I said

"Then how do we get there?" She asked

"God takes you there" I said

"How does he take us there if he is inbisible?" She asked

She can call Meek all these weird names but she cannot say invisible

"I don't know, nobody knows"

"I wanna see your mama and you mama and Max and Ben mama and me mama" she said

She lost me

"You cannot see people who are in heaven" I said

"Why? Are they shy?"

"Yes especially when they see a very pretty princess" I said

She blushed

She got on top of me and kissed me I felt a pain in my stomach

"Mama like kisses?" She asked


She kissed me again

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