Chapter Six

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Nicki POV

I couldn't run that far so I hid behind the bush he was busy searching for me for about 20 minutes all of a sudden it got quiet I just stayed there for a few minutes figuring out my next move I felt some hot air on my neck "Did you think you'd run away from me?" Meek whispered in my ear he covered my mouth with his hand and dragged me to the house he chained me to this bed I was laying on my stomach so I couldn't see anything he ripped my clothes my nipples got hard due to the cold air all of a sudden I felt something hit me on my butt I touched my butt and he hit me again I screamed and he put a sock in my mouth I cried harder and he hit me again he hit me 20 times more after that he stopped he unchained me and laid me on my back. He grabbed my nipples and pinched them he twisted them and slapped my boobs "you love making daddy angry, don't you?" He kissed my neck and bit me a few times "I'm sorry please stop it hurts" I cried louder

He chained me to the wall and spread my legs he starting twisting my nipples again but he was more aggressive this time then he opened a box full of dildos and vibrators

"Tell daddy which one you want" he smirked

"Please I'm begging you I'll do anything please don't put those dildos inside me" I begged

"Don't worry princess I'm not gonna hurt you" he went to the box and came back with this huge dildo and a vibrator

"Meek I'm sorry please don't hurt me" I cried harder

"I won't hurt you babygirl I love you way too deep" he came closer to me and started kissing me on my lips and went down to my neck honestly it felt so damn good I felt like he wouldn't hurt me maybe he is sorry for everything he has done to me he came back and kissed my lips all of a sudden I felt the dildo enter my vagina I screamed he put his hand over my mouth

"Shhhhh baby the neighbours gon hear you" he whispered in my ear

Tears were streaming down my face the pain was unbearable I closed my eyes hoping for the nightmare to be over he took the dildo out and kissed me forget it being painful but I was glad the nightmare was over "I'm sorry princess" he whispered in my ear he cupped my sex and started massaging it. It was very soothing he then put the dildo in my ass and the vibrator in my vagina


After 3 hours of torture I was now in the bathtub just relaxing while Meek was watching me like a hawk

"I don't wanna hurt you shawty I hate doing this but what you did was wrong and I'm trying to teach you a lesson and protect you from other dangerous men out there but you keep making me mad" I just sat there listening to him

"Okay that's enough let's get you out of the bathtub" I got out and he wrapped me in a towel and wiped me he carried me to his bedroom and gave me his clothes I wore them and laid in bed he kept rubbing my back and telling me how sorry he is I couldn't do anything my body was in pain

Next morning

I woke up and I was alone in the bedroom I crawled to the bathroom to handle my business and crawled back I laid on the bed just listening to the pain my body was going through the door opened and the lady from the other day appeared with a tray

???: Hey I'm sorry to disturb you but I bought you some breakfast

She sat on the bed and gave me the tray I ain't gonna lie the food looked great but looks can be deceiving

Nicki: Thank you

I started eating not giving a damn if she was in the room

???: I'm Kayla by the way I hope you enjoy your food my husband cooked breakfast this morning

The sausage almost choked me to death when she said husband she came closer to me

Kayla: Oh my gosh are you okay?

Nicki: Yes I'm fine wrong pipe I guess did you say husband?

Kayla: Oh yes we're not really married but he treats me like his wife and I treat him like my husband and we're expecting our first born (she smiled)

Bitch he treat you like some hoe he picked up on the street I'm damn sure he don't want your ugly baby talking about he treats me like his wife bitch you dumb he treats you like trash cause that's what you are

Nicki: That's lovely how far are you?

Kayla: Just a few months

Did this bitch just say just a few months I'm starting to think she doesn't know how long she's been pregnant dumb ass hoe

Kayla: Enough about me what happened to you? Who hurt you? Was it O?

Oh nothing your "husband" gave me some bomb ass dick last night for trying to escape cause ya pussy stank lol

Nicki: A couple of guys tried to rape me but Meek helped me

Kayla: Thanks God my husband is such a wonderful man that's why I fell for him he is kind to everyone and respects everyone even strangers

I guess he respects you too having sex with me right under your nose and letting me sleep on y'all bedroom yeah he is kind

Nicki: Yeah he is you are so lucky

Just then the devil himself walked in Kayla stood up and went over to meek

Kayla: baby Nicki just told me about how you saved her from being gang raped you are such a hero

Then the hoe started kissing Meek that's just nasty

Meek: I do what I can babe

Kayla: Let me go finish eating my food I'll be back Nic

She left and it was just me and Satan he climbed in bed and sat next to me

Meek: I'm sorry for hurting you I guess I got a little bit carried away with the punishment it was suppose to be a small thing I'm sorry okay?

Nicki: Okay

Meek: I like you shawty and I promise I won't hurt you again well not this bad

He kissed my forehead and left


Candi POV

Jimmy was arrested for not cooperating with the cops because he was the last to see Nicki a bartender told us that a guy named Monster came looking for Nicki the day she disappeared but Jimmy said he had a meeting with Nic the day she disappeared and she went shopping after their "meeting" I don't trust this guy I still think he trafficked Nicki to another country I just hope my best friend it's okay

Excuse any errors

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