Chapter Fourty Five

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(These are my dogs Max and Ben in the MM)

Nicki POV

We finally got home and it was a mess Meek was caring Ayanna and I had to carry Max

"Damn what happened here?" He asked

I put Max down he tried to put Ayanna down but she wasn't having it

"Can you help me tidy up this place a bit?" I asked

"Yeah sure thing" he said

He put Ayanna down and she started whining

"No no Yaya mommy and daddy need to clean up this place, so go to your room and play with Max" he said sternly

She sighed and slowly dragged her feet Max followed her to her room

"What happened? Why are the light bulbs broken?"

"We had a little fight before he kidnapped" I said picking up the cushions that were on the floor

"Shit! Was he alone?"

I shook my head

"Can you recognize the others?" He asked

"Yeah" I said

"Should I order somethin' to eat?" He asked

"No I'm okay" I said

He nodded and helped me tidy up after we were done we sat down and Ayanna came in running

"Meeky! Meeky can I have some ice cream" she asked looking so innocent and sweet

"Watchu call me?" He asked 

"My Meeky" she said putting her hand on her chest

I looked at her and laughed Meek looked at me for approval and I nodded he got up and they both went to the kitchen Max jumped on the couch and sat on my lap

"Hey boy, I missed you too" I picked him up and made kissy faces

He got closer and licked my face I giggled and kissed the top of his head

"You're such a good boy" I said

I guess he was so excited cause he got off my lap and started rolling on the couch he then got up and sat on top of me

"You're one weird baby"

Ayanna and Meek came into the living room she had this big ass ice cream bowl in her hands she sat between me and Meek and ate her ice cream of course Max wanted some

After watching TV for almost 30 minutes I looked at the time and it was almost 11 pm Ayanna was all over Meek making me feel like the third wheel in this relationship I switched off the TV Meek made sure that all the doors were locked we walked to our bedroom together with Ayanna and Max I got in bed Meek put Max on the bed and he sat on top of me Meek slept on his side and Ayanna got in the middle she grabbed Meek's arm tightly and laid on his chest

"Don't run away" she said to Meek then closed her eyes

I looked at her and laughed this is gonna be a loooooong night


I woke up and Ayanna's heavy head was on top of my vagina Max was sleeping on top of my pillow Meek wasn't there anymore he better have not disappeared again I got up and went to the bathroom after handling my business I walked back to our room and found him sleeping on the floor I smiled and got my phone I took him a picture and posted it on my Instagram I slept next to him and laid my head on his chest I really missed this man he put his arms around me and kissed my forehead after some time I woke up to Max licking my face I frowned and opened my eyes he got on top of me and looked at me inside my eyes

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