Chapter Nine

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A week later

Kayla POV

Meek told me to go to my sister's place and I did what I was told cause I don't wanna argue with him. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom did my business and took a shower after I got dressed I went downstairs and found my sister cooking

Helen: You've been sleeping since yesterday

Kayla: Being pregnant ain't easy girl

Helen: Is it a boy or girl?

Kayla: I haven't found out Meek and I were supposed to go to the doctors 3 days ago but he disappeared and hasn't checked up on us

Helen: Since he's gone we should throw a party kinda like a baby shower but more fun

Kayla: Okay when?

Helen: Tonight

Kayla: Meek didn't leave me any money

Helen: Girl you don't need Meek you know his pin code you can shop until you drop use his cards as a "thank you" from him to you for carrying his seed

Kayla: You're right let's not waste any time let's go shopping girl


I sent everybody a text telling them about my party well I said it's a baby shower I used Meek's phone so that most of them can come I hired male strippers cause I need some action Meek and I haven't been doing much since I'm pregnant he keeps saying he doesn't wanna hurt the baby so I always give him head and I get a kiss I hate being pregnant

Later that night everything was set up my outfit was on fleek and I was feeling good the party started and I was enjoying myself the male strippers were dancing for me and I was turned on until I saw Omelly's face I stood up and went over to him

Omelly: My bro is missing and you're throwing a party

Kayla: It's a baby shower dumbass

Omelly: Where did you get the money to throw a party?

Kayla: From money bag of course and it's a baby shower for his baby

Omelly: A baby shower with male strippers?

Kayla: They are called exotic dancers look Omelly if you came to ruin my party please leave

Omelly: Alright but once he finds out you're gonna be out on the streets you'll probably be an exotic dancer too

He left and I went back to the party I was having so much fun and I'm probably gonna get laid tonight there are so many hot boys in here I mean guys

Next morning

I woke up to the sound of somebody banging on the door I opened my eyes and realized that I was sleeping on the couch with only a bra I looked around and people were sleeping on the floor like dead people I looked for my underwear and wore a robe and opened the door it was the police

Kayla: Hey officer Sir

I said trying to act normal

PO: Is this Robert Williams resident?

Kayla: Robert Williams? Oh you mean Meek yes officer you ain't lost I'm his future wife Kayla Williams how may I help you?

PO: I'm with Ms Candice here she says her friend Onika called her from this location

Kayla: Oh yes she did that ugly mixed whore stole my man and left with him he's probably crying for me to come and save him from that psycho

????: Bitch I will stab you if you call her a psycho

PO: Do you have any idea on where they went?

Kayla: No but listen officer if you need somebody to keep you company I'm always here I'm just a call away (winks)

PO: If you find any information on Mr Williams whereabout please contact the police. Have a nice day ma'am

Kayla: I'll definitely be calling you officer


Nicki POV

I woke up with a banging headache I opened my eyes and I was in a small room "oh she's up" I heard Meek say I rolled my eyes

"Meek where are we?" He sat on the bed and kissed my forehead

"Somewhere safe, there's no Kayla, no Candi, nothing that will disturb us from creating a new life with great memories it's just me and you baby, just sit back and relax imma make some lunch for you"

He left and I followed him I went outside and we were in the middle of nowhere I couldn't see any house nearby I guess I'm stuck with his ass until I die he came and gave me a plate with a sandwich and an apple

"Do you want something to drink?" I nodded

"Let's go inside" I followed him and we went to the kitchen he poured me an orange juice and sat across me. He watched me as I ate my sandwich after I was done I put my dishes in the sink and sat next to Meek

"How we get here?" I asked Meek

"I did my best to save you babe I didn't wanna lose you" he held my hands and kissed them

I just smiled

"Let's talk about our future, how many kids do you want?"

"Well I want 2 kids" I smiled

"Okay no problem I can make that possible" he kissed my cheek

"What do you mean?"

"I'll do anything to make you happy baby"

"Okay babe" I smiled

"Just sit right here I'll be back in an hour or so make sure you cook dinner" he kissed my forehead and left weirdo

Where do you think Meek is going?

Excuse any errors

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