Chapter Fourty Four

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Omelly POV

I was able to track down Nicki and found where she was I called up the chasers and a few friends who owe me

"So we gon' get in there and shoot everybody that comes our way, the main aim is to come back with Nicki safe and alive okay?"

They nodded

"Now we gon' meet here tonight, bring all our guns bombs, tasers, pans, butcher knives and everything that's dangerous" I said

They nodded

"Dismissed" I said

They all left I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich my phone started ringing and it was a private number it better not be the salesman

Phone convo:

Omelly: Yeah?

???: Hey Omelly, it's Nasheema

Omelly: Oh wassup

Na: My mom passed away and I've been trying to get ahold of Meek and I can't find him please tell him that she died and we need him urgently

Omelly: Damn when she die?

Nw: We don't know exactly when but we found her body near a dumpster yesterday

Omelly: Damn I'm sorry about that I'll do my best

I hung up before she could say anything it's definitely Meek he always wanted to get rid of her and now she's gone for good

I sat down and ate my sandwich I wonder what Thembi is up to lemme call her real quick

Phone convo:

Thembi: Hello?

Omelly: Hey lil mama, wassup?

Thembi: Oh it's you again

She sighed

Omelly: Yeah it's me, where Ayanna?

Thembi: She's right here, lemme give her the phone

A few seconds later I heard her loud voice

Ayanna: Hi Melly

Omelly: Hey Yaya, what's good?

Ayanna: The food is good

I laughed

Omelly: You behaving?

Ayanna: I try

Omelly: Try harder and I'll come by to bring you candy

Ayanna: Yes I will and Max says hi and he also wants candy

Omelly: Okay I'll bring candy for you and Max

Ayanna: Okay bye bye Melly I'm gonna dance

She said

Omelly: Okay have fun

I hung up

Thembi's probably losing her mind I turned on the TV time to watch some basketball I heard the sliding door closing I got up quickly and took my gun out I went over to it and this dumb ass nigga was still alive he turned around and put his hands up when he saw the gun

"Yo chill out" he said

"Meek? Motherfucker where the hell you been?" I asked putting my gun away and hugging him

It was a 3 second hug then he pushed me away

"Yo only Nic is allowed to hug me that long" he said

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