Chapter 19: Oink! Baa! Neigh! Moo!

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"Um, is it still far?"

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"Um, is it still far?"

The man beside me chuckled lightly, obviously finding my effort to shoo away the awkwardness a humor of the day. "No, Gorgeous, just a couple minutes away."

I hummed in response as I turned my head from my lap to face the window of scenery. The sun had just barely woken up from its long sleep. The signature colors of dawn shone in the sky, warming those hearts who were threatened by the coldness of a night. The sound of birds chirping echoed in the sky, calling every diurnal creature to wake up and nocturnal creature to sleep. 

The sound of clearing throat grabbed me from my nature observation. "You're not the bubbly type, aren't you?"

I took a peek at his figure through my eyelash. "Huh?"

He looked down at me while his hands casually gripped the steering wheel. A smirk painted his lips. "You're not the talking type."

I immediately looked down to my lap, fiddling my fingers in attempt to hide my inconvenience of the atmosphere. "Um, maybe."

Deep chuckle emerged from his chest, and I swore the jeep vibrated under my body. "Well, it doesn't have to be awkward anymore," he said while turning the engine off. "We're here now." 

Looking up, I was greeted by the wide, grassy area with a wide, daybreak sky. A big barn stood proudly among the grass, accompanied by a tall silo and a long stable in its left and right. As I got out from the jeep, the cool wind instantly brushed my brown hair softly, promising a good day ahead of me. 

"So," Duncan exclaimed in a deep tone. I turned my gaze to meet his electric blue eyes. "Ready to start your first day?" He winked playfully.

Warmth immediately crawled up to my cheeks as I looked down to my feet, shifting from left to right. The hair on my nape stood up quickly as a response to those funny feelings I always got whenever boys burst my bubble, giving me the knee-weakening smirks and teases. 

Correction: whenever the one and only Killian did that. I'm not that boy-charmer material.

I inwardly sighed, feeling my past frustration rushing back from the unknown land deep inside my mind to appear before my eye. Moving on surely took more and more of my time and energy left in me, slowly but surely taking its toll on me. I obviously needed more than the fresh air of a beautiful nature to vacuum the imaginary enchanting dark chocolate smell of my so-called ex-mate from lingering in my nose and mind. 

And, I required more than a new hello and some tick-tocks to sweep him away from my heart. 

"Hello? Earth to the gorgeous girl beside me?" A sudden hoarse voice traveled the air, entering my ear and pushing the button inside my mind to wake up from mourning my faith. I looked up to see his blue orbs giving me a curious with a slightly concerned look. "Are you okay?"

I blinked my eye, mentally whacking my mind to never daze in a sudden. "I'm okay. Sorry," I confirmed, lowering my tone as I apologized to this concerned man.

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