"It's Time" Imagine Dragons

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Text message from Soren to Cris
Soren: You need to tell them
Soren: They're your best friends. They'll support you
Soren: Do you really think you'll be able to hide you and Iri?  Even your fans have picked up on that
Cris: I realize that. It's a little disconcerting how observant they are
Soren: So you are alive. Iri hasn't killed you yet ^.^
Cris: Ignoring that and I will tell them. I do trust them
Soren: Good cuz between the lovebites ALL OVER YOUR BODY and your ridiculous Irial smile they'll pick up on it anyhow
Cris: Drop it. I will
Soren: Sooner rather than later mate

Cris Emerson (@Cris_Emerson)
Let's Start A Fire by Ryan Star

To: crossesoflead@gmail.com.uk; mustlovedogs@gmail.com.uk; djkinsey@gmail.com.uk; chriscrossedmicah@gmail.com.uk
From: sawyer.ashton@dissidentmanagement.com.uk
Subject: Interview and Promotions
Just a reminder that Breaking Fourth has an interview in studio with Derek Havershim at 5pm Wednesday, January 7.  You're to arrive by 3:30pm the latest and will be on a live segment of his talk show.  Also, with the album's upcoming release, we need to sit down and go over promotion.  This meeting will most likely take place next week either Monday, January 12 or Thursday, January 15.  I will email you as soon as the date and time is finalized.  Also, the next single will most likely be 'I Could Love You', just a heads up.  If you have an logistic questions about the interview or upcoming promotions feel free to contact either myself or the band's publicist, Fiona Dempsey.  Contact Miranda, your head stylist, for any information on your appearance on the show.
Ashton Sawyer
Dissident Management

Dorian Grey II (@DorianII)
Somehow I think this date's going to go better than the last one #ImActuallyExcited #doriansdateII #WhyAmINervous

Irish Rose (@rosieposie)
@DorianII one can only hope

Text message to Crispin from Irial
Irial: So I hear our shippers are at war
Crispin: Lmao are you Team Crispian or Team Corian?
Irial: This isn't a Twilight novel. I'm not 'team' anything...but between you and me I'm totally Team Corian
Crispin: stfu, Crispian or I walk
Irial: Diva. I swear.
Crispin: No...princess, remember? And at least it's not about who tops.
Irial: Patience love, patience...and I like my ringtone btw


Dominic poked the massive lovebite on Cris's throat that had been way too big to be covered by a jacket and way too dark for even concealer to completely conceal.  From the wings of the set, Cris saw Miranda's lips curl, rightfully pissed at bit Dominic for drawing attention to the still too evident bruise and probably Cris for not having the foresight (or ignoring it) to get one in the first place.   

"Who gave it to you anyway?"  Dominic poked at it while Cris just eyed him questioningly.  What was his life that he had best mates that he let prod at his lovebites, and he just rolled his eyes?  His eyes lit up, and he gave Cris a conspiratorial look, "Was it Penney?  Did you seriously hook up with like the greatest female since Blondie?"   

"Blondie?" Micah inquired from Dominic's other side.  Dominic shrugged.   

Cris shook his head, "Definitely not, Penney."   

Benji raised his eyebrows, "Good, because she's a national treasure like Beyonce to America or Sofia Vergara to Hispanics worldwide.  If you broke her heart, we'd have to kill you."   

Micah pursed his lips and made a face but didn't disagree while Dominic just shrugged and nodded, apparently completely on board with this course of action.  Cris balked for a moment, "No.  Are you serious?  Me and Penney?"   

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