"I'm Just Saying" Karmin

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Crisial Updates (@CrisialUpdates)

Audio enhanced on Phoenix Bar vid. Iri says love of my life, Cris answers boyfriend...and we all saw them kiss #CrisialIsReal #ImSoDone

Hysterics Annoy Me (@Maisy53_B4)

Here go the Crisial shippers again. The video was WAY blurry. Even the enhanced audio was sketch. And they were both drunk anyway #CrisialIsFake #GetALife

Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

The greatest soccer player in the world @ArthurBailey followed me today #FloatsAwayOnAClous

Text message from Irial to Crispin

Irial: I know you hate it but just keep an open mind

Crispin: I don't want to keep an open mind. I want to live in Chelsea

Irial: Actually I seem to recall you saying 'I just don't want to live with pretentious prep youth'

Crispin: Iri...no

Irial: We've exhausted all our options in Chelsea at this point. And most of the Central London area and you want a house...

Crispin: I want it on the record I don't like this

Irial: Noted, pending, dismissed as inconsequential <3

Crispin: -.-

To: george.daniel@dissidentmanagement.org.uk; sterling.harry@dissidentmanagement.org.uk

From: sawyer.ashton@dissidentmanagement.org.uk

Subject: The Phoenix Bar video

When this video came out a week ago, we all foresaw that this would be a problem. At this point, it's gone viral at least amongst the fandom, major news sources haven't picked it up. I have had enough.  People don't know what to think despite terrible audio someone is speaking over and the very poor quality of the video.  This needs to be fixed immediately. We all warned Dorian about the consequences, and Harry, as you pointed out, you're the crisis manager...manage the crisis or we have no choice but to sue.

Ashton Sawyer

Dissident Management

Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. It's just a house!


"What do you think?"  Deborah Henley, Crispin's longtime realtor asked with a hopeful lilt to her voice.  Irial raised an eyebrow, it was nice she still had hope.   

Crispin looked like his was going to be sick, pulling a face and leaning against the sill of the massive bay window; Deborah sighed and ran a hand through her dyed blonde hair.  Irial patted the too nice woman on the shoulder, asking her to give them a minute.  She sighed and split quickly, looking like she'd rather be anywhere else, and Irial totally understood the feeling.   

Deborah had come into this thinking that, once again, Irial would be the hardest one to please...she'd been wrong.   

From how surprised she was, Irial assumed that the first shopping trip around, Crispin had picked the place based on location, space for entertainment, and the view.  This time around, he seemed to have gotten harder to please; Irial hadn't been surprised when he'd shot down four of the twenty-five homes they'd looked at without even getting out of the car.  Deborah had appeared near tears...of frustration.  He wanted to feel bad, but if he was going to spend the foreseeable future (and an outrageous amount of money) in a house, fuck if it wasn't going to be the damned house, and Crispin, in a moment of clarity, had said the exact same thing.   

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