"Riot" Cher Lloyd

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To: irialdorian@gmail.com.uk

From: crossesoflead@gmail.com.uk

Subject: Your dickwad ex boyfriend

This is really hard on both of us, but let that punk ass little bitch and Harry and Daniel and Rose and Ashton and whoever the fuck else become necessary know that if slag does body shots off you one more time then licks you like he has any fucking right to I'll quit all of this bullshit.  It's bad enough they got my family involved.  It's bad enough I've spent the past couple weeks getting little to no sleep because I'm sneaking in and out of a hotel so people think I'm shagging some size-two manufactured wannabe model twink.  It's bad enough all I see are pictures of you and that prick snogging and drinking and clubbing and hanging all over each other because you're a handsy drunk.  It's bad enough that I have to watch my words so I don't slip and somehow elude to the fact that we're still living together.  Only the grace of God has kept anyone from asking me anymore question about you and that arse specifically.  I would go absolutely mental.  I will go absolutely mental if Brandon touches you like that one more time despite alcohol, despite PR, I don't care anymore, Irial, I just don't.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Regina (@B4_Girl)

@breakingfourth apocalypse in like 4 hrs!!!!!! #I'mSoExcited #ItllBeAwesome

10-22-16 (@maria_sanjuan)

Braving 4hr time different to see @breakingfourth livestream

The Best Part Peach (@peachykeen261)

Lol 10 hr time diff in Adelaide! Heard rumors @DorianII is going to host part #FingersCrossed #MakeItSo #HopeItsTrue #CrisialLive

Text message from Irial to Harry

Irial: Harry, best mate, ex-flatmate, general sweetheart, I hope there will be no surprises today

Harry: Why?

Irial: Crispin's already on edge about mine and Brandon's infamous PR stunt. Idk how much more of this he can take

Harry: I cant make any promises since Dissident never listens to me, but youve got that clause...

Irial: Exactly, I just hope they remember that because I won't hold back on walking

Harry: ._. I know


Ever since he'd sent that text message at ten o'clock this morning to Harry, Irial had known that today would be a problem child...depending on how you looked at it.   

In either case, Irial had kept his mouth shut and aiming for a peaceful morning...or as peaceful as it got in his and Crispin's house, which meant that Marius had woken them up at the crack of dawn barking at the new Bengal kitten they'd acquired the second day Crispin had been home when they'd found the tiny, spotted feline mewling in a cardboard box off the side of the road.  There'd been a round of sex before they'd both peeled themselves out of bed and thrown on whatever the hell their hands touched first to walk their overly enthusiastic dog around the block before it was back to the house for a shower (and more sex), then a Crispin prepared breakfast outside with Crispin's feet thrown across Irial's lap while Marius sat beside Crispin waiting for him to "accidentally" drop some bacon.  Irial pretended he didn't notice the little game they were playing.  He'd still been half-naked, wearing only a pair of Crispin's low-hanging, oversized pajama bottoms when he'd kissed his boyfriend—holy fucking crap, fiancé—goodbye at the door before racing upstairs to get dressed and get to the exact same place Crispin had just left for.   

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