"Boom Boom Pow" Black Eyed Peas

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Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

So @sorensoars just licked @Cherrie_TA on a dare >o< #notokay #sodonewithlife #firstdayback

Micah Cross (@MC_Cross)

@Cris_Emerson needs to to stop txting @DorianII so we can finish filming #NotHappy

Tumblr Post: crisialship5eva

This song though

Has anyone actually LISTENED to The Haves b/c the chorus 'have faith have freedom believe that prejudice will fade away. Have hope, have courage, to brave the hell of truth I cannot say. Have me have our love and pray that it will be enough' Irial has had the first part tattooed on him since AGES before this song came out. AND Nic basically confirmed Cris (not Dorian's mystery boyfriend) went to Hawaii with him...I mean come on, are they even TRYING anymore?


That's not proof! Saying he was 10hrs behind London does not prove he was with Dorian. Neither do the 'looks', photoshopped pictures of them kissing, blurry videos, sharing clothes (which the boys admitted they all do), or Tweets. Get over yourselves. Crisial isn't real, bothers the boys AND Dorian, and is so disrespectful. Dorian has a boyfriend he loves and that Cris has said he's cool with, and Cris is STRAIGHT. Give it a fucking rest, so immature and deluded, not everything is about Crisial like way to ruin the album for me.


Can I just say...wtf? Firstly, being gay and in a 3 yr committed relationship is not an insult to their character. It's actually pretty complimentary since Iri was a huge manwhore three years ago and Cris supposedly still is. Very few pics are photoshopped and the ones that are are usually tagged as edits. We know not everything is about Crisial but some things are and we're just expressing our opinions. Cris never said he was cool with Dorian's bf just that he doesn't want to talk about him (his ass gets saved every time he gets asked about him). And Dorian bought Crisial and Corian shirts and told a Crisial shipper getting bullied in Seoul they both know what their relationship looks like and its fine...it doesn't bother them. Don't like it stay off our tag, thanks.

Irish Rose (@rosieposie)

Interesting...my new life as a troll #smh #clueless #drama

Soren Reid (@sorensoars)

@DorianII @Cris_Emerson raise some adorable pups #lmao #Marius #Stassi #cuteness

Benji Irving (@BenjiDIrving)

@Cris_Emerson rehearsals are not the time to make #dorianspeaks interactive

Cheryl Atterberry (@Cherrie_TA)

I was ditched for man dates...@Cris_Emerson @DorianII, these bitches...

Beverly Dixon on her bar concept in Food & Wine

"...started with Cris [Emerson] and Irial [Dorian] during one of their parties.  I usually go and help them set up early, prep the bar and wet bar, and I'm ridiculously picky about all the decor.  Irial got frustrated and asked why, if I was going to be such a pain in the ass and creative snob, didn't I just open my own bar.  I said I didn't have a concept. You have to understand, both of them are fascinated by the idea of Yin and Yang, and Cris suggested it in passing when he overheard us.  It turned into us sitting in the master drinking hibiscus tea—coffee for Cris since he's a bad Englishman—during their party planning and tossing around ideas. I don't know. Now we're all partners."

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