"Rumor Has It" Adele

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I swear I saw Crispian


I saw Cris Emerson in John Lewis (I have pics for proof) in the jacket Dorian put up on Instagram (that he got him for his bday). He was with this fit guy (short, blonde, slim but with curves, Mdx joggers). They were looking at bed linens, joking around, sharing a frap. Lot of lovebites. Can't see his face but it's got to be Dorian & they're WAY too close to be friends


He looks like the guy Cris hugged at Mdx grad. Crispian's cuteness gives me feels


Those hickeys tho...definitely more than friends methinks O.0


Wow. Ok just because 2 guys are standing together and sharing a drink doesn't make them a couple!


Dorian already has a bf...but otherwise I'd ship it :3


I look at my best friend like that and we're not shagging


Good for you. It's the touches AND the sharing food AND  the couples tats AND the heart eyes AND the moving in with your bff not your bf AND FLYING 500 MILES to spend 1 day in London watching your bff graduate. Sorry people. Facts #crispianisreal

Text message from Harry to Cris

Harry: You know I work pr for Dissident right now, yeah?

Cris: Yeah...why?

Harry: They want to kill you...fyi. You're about a second away from breach of contract.

Cris: Again, why?

Harry: Have you looked at Tumblr or Twitter? You probably just need to see the trends

Cris: Shit...why breach of contract?

Harry: I told Iri.

Cris: Why?! He should be focused on the show!!!!


Alyssa McClaren :* (@AlyMCCross)

#dorianspeaks is back!!!!! So excited to hear @DorianII @Cherrie_TA


Cris crashed on Micah's leather sofa with an air of complete unconcern while Micah looked a nervous wreck.  The difference, Cris supposed, was that Micah had never imagined his wild child, adrenaline junkie, jailbird girlfriend would ever be on national radio while Cris hadn't really envisioned Irial in anything but the entertainment industry.  Rosie had been working in studio with Soren, both of whom had decided to crash Breaking Fourth's listening party especially since Harry had to work overtime now that Cris had been photographed hugging, cuddling, and holding hands in a department store looking way too domestic with a vague Irial.   

Rosie had glared at him for that before hunkering down between Soren and Dominic, smirking when Dominic commented on Cris's waddle.  Whatever so he and his boyfriend had shagged not really a secret.   

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