"Same Love" Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

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RT by @DorianII, @Nic_Kinsey, @BenjiDIrving, @rosieposie, @sorensoars

Ariella Emerson (@Ariella_Em106)

Aw my bro @Cris_Emerson is so cute when he's all starry-eyed and smitten :) #Sowhipped #proud #LoveLooksGoodOnYou

The Crissy Gurl (@Crissy93_xxx)

WAAAATTTT!!!!??? @Cris_Emerson got a gf? #NotOkay #WhatIsLife #HeActuallyConfirmed

Son of Man (@andersonM609)

Someone (re: @Cris_Emerson) was very gender unspecific #justsaying

Crisial Updates (@CrisialUpdates)

I want to believe its time but don't want to get our hopes up #Crisial #Nervous #Excited #CrisInLove

Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

Was asked to post pic of my BOB in my arse on Instagram. Is it wrong my only reaction was "boo, that's what Tumblr's for"?

Crisial Is Fake (@debunkcrisial)

Can Crisial shippers try to support their idol and not become the Larry shippers even more than they already are #sorrynotsorry #deludedshippers #CrisialIsFake

Cris Emerson: a changed man?

The last seven years has seen British heartthrob and part of boyband, Breaking Fourth, with every woman from young Disney star, Chloe Masters, to Azadi singer, Alina, to socialite, Davina, to supermodel 10 years his senior, Lavonne.  However, the last nine months since public split with ex, Davina Allard, the popstar has been suspiciously quiet on the dating front until announcing on an interview with Atlanta's Fox 5 that he's "in love", found "the one", and it's "quite serious" already, which sent both Twitter and Tumblr into a tizzy.  After years of tireless dating, do we truly think he's settling down?  Dorian does, at least, weighing in when asked by a caller and saying "Crispin's extremely clear-headed, loyal to a fault, and driven.  They're both in if for the long haul, I absolutely believe that."  And if you're wondering about Cris's rekindling relationship with Beatrice Learner, the popstar, whose been candid if stingy on the details, commented "Bea and I are mending fences, but that part of my life is over. There's no competition, the person I'm with wins every time and always has."  Right now, the boy seems smitten and stable, but, despite Dorian's assurances, whose to say yet?

RT by @breakingfourth, @Cherrie_TA, @DorianII, @HaroldBSterling, @Ariella_Em106

Cris Emerson (@Cris_Emerson)

Everybody listen into #DorianSpeaks today. I have something big to share #Nervous


"Holy mother of..." Irial huffed, scrubbing manically at his totally screwy face while Cheryl giggled, snapping pictures of him with her mobile.  He huffed, realizing that the paint wasn't coming off any time soon...because Cheryl was that cruel, "God, we should have done the Draw My Life tag today instead.  I look like a zombie drag queen that escaped from a haunted circus."   

"Or an Arkham escapee," Larry chipped in from the back, and Cheryl laughed.   

Irial pursed his lips, "Thank you, Larry, who is no longer an intern..."   


"...but may soon be unemployed if he keeps 'helping'."   

Larry held up his hands innocently, their newest intern, this tiny, spritely 19 year old from King's College, Gigi, giggling.  Her chittering caught Cheryl's attention, "Which means that the lovely Gigi is our newest whipping boy, so watch out there Gigi."  Gigi yelped and ducked her head while Irial snickered, and Cheryl beamed, patting Irial's cheek, "I think your...ehm...makeover is quite complimentary to your bone structure, Iri."   

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