"Tell The World" Eric Hutchinson

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Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

Last day in Sydney...Obelisk Beach? Um...yes please ;D #nudity #gaybeach

Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

This nudity thing...bad idea how do I hide my raging hard on? #SomeMenShouldAlwaysGoNude #just saying #sorrynotsorry

Ainsley B4 (@kissey_crissy_)

@DorianII um...how do you think your bf feels about that?

Irial Dorian (@DorianII)

@kissey_crissy_  pretty proud of himself I'd say

Breaking Fourth's Melbourne adventures

After days of singing, surf, and sand in Sydney, you'd think the boys of Breaking Fourth would be tired...apparently not.  They played three shows back-to-back in Melbourne and, instead of winding down on their last day in the city, all four went out with the band's good friend, radio DJ, Irial Dorian.  Dorian, Benji, and Micah spent much of the day going to aquariums, wildlife parks, and shopping while Cris and Nic, the band's two youngest, enjoyed several rounds of golf at Melbourne's Royal Golf Club.  Later, they all met up for dinner at Melbourne's famed Vue De Monde before heading to Luna Park for the rest of their evening.  Cute, sweet, scandal free...how long is that going to last we wonder?

Micah Cross (@MC_Cross)

Saw endangered wildlife, all I wanted was sleep...but got taught what 'reverse cowgirl' means

Cherrie Taylor (@Cherrie_TA)

@MC_Cross do I want to know how that even came up?

Micah Cross (@MC_Cross)

@Cherrie_TA Adelaide has a giant rocking horse. @DorianII had a big mouth

Cherrie Taylor (@Cherrie_TA)

@MC_Cross well now that you know, any time you're up for it, just say the word ;) #ThanksDorian

To: rosieireland@gmail.com; haroldpotter6999@gmail.com

From: irialdorian@gmail.com

Subject: Alone time isn't good for me

So Perth,

It's cute. Nice. Last stop in Australia before the boys are onto Asia. Yesterday we all went to a Koala Park (interesting and weird), an art museum (it seemed like a good idea at the time), and I went on a date (with Crispin, chill out).  He is such a sap; he took me to an aquarium (you know how I love Marine life...fucking hate zoos though) and this amazing seafood restaurant...and we got tattoos (because it's us so they're 'sickeningly cutesy' mine's an antique pocketwatch that's style matches Crispin's antique compass rose ). There's a point to this story, I promise.

So today they had rehearsals and I was alone so I got this fantastic crowned lion tattoo and the Starbucks logo (I know, but I was commemorating a significant period in my life so shut the fuck up Rosie) and bought a stud for my tongue (because it gets Crispin so hot that I'm thinking I'll keep it) and found Tiffany and Co. (pay attention now, this is the point of the story). Anyway, what do you think?  I already bought it, but I quite like it for my Crispin, very much his weird Hipster style.


Text message from Rosie to Irial

Rosie: Why did you buy Cris a $1300 ring?

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