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I decided to get up and walked to where they were. I walked to a door and tried to listen but of course he had soundproof walls.

I sighed walking away from the door. I tried to find something to entertain myself but I didn't find anything. Instead I just walked around the house.

I took myself on a mini tour of Ethan's house. It was really big and I never really got to see the whole thing.

I walked around looking in the different rooms. I have to admit, Ethan has a nice house. There's a lot of rooms and there was a pool outside.

Every time I'm with Ethan I get a weird feeling. It's not a bad weird, I guess you can say it's a good weird. Stop Megan you can't fall for a Maifa Gang Leader. Even if he is kinda cute.

About 30 minutes later Ethan walked out of the room and the two guys followed him. They continued talking then they left. Once the door closed I walked over to Ethan.

Me: What was all that about?

Ethan: Stuff.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch. He's really secretive but I like to agitate him so I continued to ask him questions.

Me: What kind of stuff?

Ethan: Important stuff.

Me: How important?

Ethan: Important enough that you can't know.

Me: Why can't I know?

I knew I was really agitating Ethan because he looked me in the eyes. I laughed to myself.

Ethan: You Like agitating me don't you?

Me: Yeah it's very amusing.

Ethan rolled his eyes and sat down next to me. I smiled to myself and we watched tv for about an hour. I honestly wasn't watching though. I was too busy thinking about Ethan.

Me: So are you gonna tell me what you were doing in there for an hour?

Ethan: It's not really exciting.

Me: So is that a yes or a no?

Ethan: Remember when I told you that some people are assholes?

Me: Yeah.

Ethan: Well that guy escaped and we're trying to track him down.

Me: Oh. What did he do that you locked him up in the first place?

Ethan: He double-crossed us.

Me: Oh. So why don't you want me down the warehouse?

Ethan: Because there could be an attack and you could be in there.

Me: Well I can defend myself.

Ethan: Even if you can I don't want to be responsible for them taking you.

Me: Nobody's gonna take me. Relax.

Ethan: You can't be sure of that and I have had someone taken before and I don't feel like trying to sneak you out of there.

Me: Why not?

Ethan: Well for one it would be hard to get you out because your not exactly quiet.

Me: I can be quiet if I want to.

Ethan: Well I've never seen it.

I smiled at Ethan and we continued to watch tv. There was something different about him than any other boy that I've dated. But it was a good different.

I looked up and Ethan. He didn't notice me because he was too busy watching the tv.


Eventually Megan fell asleep with her head on my arm. Normally I wouldn't let any girl get this close to me but for some reason I didn't mind Megan being this close.

I wanted to stay there with her but my phone started ringing. I reached over making sure Megan didn't fall. Then I answered it.

Me:/ What?
Trey:/ Hello to you too.
Me:/ What do you want?
Trey:/ I just wanted to know how things with Megan are going?
Me:/ She still has an attitude but it's getting better.
Trey:/ That's good. She was a handful when Hunter and I found her.
Me:/ I believe that.
Trey:/ Oh I forgot. We found Clegg.
Me:/ Bring him to the warehouse I'll be there soon.
Trey:/ Ok boss.

I hung up the phone and woke up Megan. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me.

Me: I gotta go.

Megan: Where?

Me: Just go back to sleep. I just wanted to tell you in case you woke up before I got back.

Megan nodded and fell back asleep. I got up, put my shoes on, and walked out the door to my car. I got in and drove to the warehouse.


I woke up still on the couch. I was looking for Ethan but then remembered that he told me that he was going somewhere.

That was probably 4 hours ago and I slept for 2 hours so Ethan has been gone for 6 hours. I was now on my bed waiting for him. I turned on Netflix and watched a movie.

It's now been 8 hours and Ethan still wasn't back. I was about ready to bust in that warehouse and see what the hell he was doing. But I waited for about 10 more minuets to see if he would come.

When Ethan didn't come I got up and walked into his room. I knew for a fact he had more than one car so I seared for keys. I looked under his bed and found a pair. I grabbed them and walked out the door.

I got into the car and drove to the warehouse being as secretive as I could be. I parked about a block away and walked down so they wouldn't see the car. I had and good memory and remember the code. I put it in and the door unlocked.

I walked in the building and walked down the hall. I heard people talking but they didn't see me. I snuck passed them and looked for Ethan. I heard his voice yelling but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

I followed the voice and I ended up walking down a long, dark hallway. I came across a room and heard Ethan yelling/screaming. I got closer to the door and all the sudden it was silent.

Out of nowhere the was a bang. It sounded like a gun shot. Ethan started yelling again and I heard quiet sobs. What the fuck is going on in there?

I silently opened the door and peeked in. Luckily no one saw me. I looked in and saw a man laying in blood begging for them to stop. I looked over and saw the guy who I think was Hunter and Ethan standing there with a gun pointing it at the guy. I was honestly petrified.

Ethan looked more than frightening or scary. I couldn't put into words and I couldn't bare to watch anymore so I closed the door. I walked quietly down the hall not looking where I was going which was a bad mistake. I came in contact with a body.

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