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I laughed and Ethan pulled me closer to him. We walked out of the course but before we left Ethan talked to his mom and they exchanged numbers. Then we went back to Ethan's house and he said that we were gonna go swimming. Oh how I love him.

Once we got home we both changed. I put on one of my bikinis and saw Ethan leaning against the wall with his shirt off. I stared at him and licked my lips. He looked up from his phone and I still continued to stare at his abs. He laughed and then looked at me.

Ethan: Let's go.

We walked down and I jumped into the pool. Ethan laughed then got in after me. I swam over to Ethan and sat on his lap wrapping my arm around his neck.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled

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I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled.

Me: Is everything ok with your dad?

Ethan: Yeah he just called to yell at me again.

Me: Why?

Ethan: Because I went to Hawaii without telling him.

I laughed and hugged Ethan. He smiled and hugged me back also laughing. Ethan actually seemed happy today. Usually he's upset or pissed off at someone but he's not. Ethan's hand ran through my hair snapping me out of my thoughts.

Ethan: What're you thinking about?

Me: You actually.

Ethan: Actually.

Me: Not like that.

Ethan: Sure.

Me: No I swear.

I laughed and so did Ethan. We swam around for a little while longer but then I realized that I forgot my towel inside.

Me: I forgot my towel I'm gonna go get it.

Ethan nodded and I walked inside to get my towel. I suddenly got grabbed and pulled. When I tried to scream my mouth got covered. I looked up and saw....


I sat in the pool and waited for Megan to come back but she was taking a long time. She's probably doing something else she forgot. I sat in the pool mad at myself. You're probably wondering why I'm mad at myself. Well you see I was gonna propose to Megan and get married in a couple years but then I got too nervous and just gave her a promise ring.

It's not that I'm nervous about one day marrying Megan, it's just that I'm scared. I've never really been in an actual relationship and I don't wanna fuck things up with Megan. I almost did and I don't wanna lose her. She means everything to me. I really love her and people notice.

You see my dad didn't just call because he was mad at me for going to Hawaii without telling him, he was mad because he thinks that I have a soft spot and I'm letting people walked all over me. I mean I can't say I disagree, Megan just makes me wanna be a better person but I still need to be tough at the warehouse.

I sat there still waiting for Megan. It's been about 15 minutes and she's still not back yet so I got out of the pool. I walked into the house and didn't see her so I started to walk around. Suddenly I heard her scream and then there was a gun shot. I pulled out my gun that was in the drawer and started to looked around.

I had heard Megan scream from the bedroom so I'm assuming that she's in there. I kicked the door open and and saw a guy standing there. I didn't need to even take a closer look to know who that was.

Me: Put your fucking gun down.

He put his gun down and backed up. He knew that I had way more power than him. I can't believe he would do this to me. He betrayed me and the gang.

Me: You fucking know what happens when you betray me Hunter.

Hunter backed up and closed his eyes knowing what I was gonna do. I was about to shoot him but then I heard Megan's voice. It was really weak and soft but I still heard it.

Megan: Ethan don't do it.

Hunter opened his eyes and looked at me.

Me: You have 2 seconds to explain yourself before you're dead.

Hunter: You're never around and your always with Megan. You're not the person who you were before. Megan's not even in this fucking Gang! You let her live with you an-

I shot him in the leg and he fell on the ground. I walked over and kicked him.

Me: I will do whatever the fuck I want to and you will respect it wether you like it or not. I'm not gonna kill you. I'm taking you back to the warehouse and your gonna sit in the fucking basement and remind everybody what happened when you cross me.

I kicked Hunter again and then called Trey.

Me: Bro I need you to take Hunter back to the warehouse and keep him in the basement and remind everybody what happens if they cross me.
Trey: I'll be down.

I hung up my phone and then picked up Megan. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her blood was going on my shirt but I didn't care. It's not the first time that I've dealt with blood. I walked Megan into the kitchen and sat her down on chair.

Me: Sit right there I need to get bandaids.

Megan: Where exactly would I go?

I rolled me eyes and Megan laughed. As I looked for the bandaids I heard Megan cough then she called me seconds later.

Megan: Uh Ethan?

I turned around and saw blood all over her shirt.

Me: What the fuck did you do?

Megan: I coughed and blood came out.

I walked over to Megan and rubbed her back.

Me: What exactly did he do to you?

Megan: Well he threw my into a mirror then told me that he doesn't know what you see in me because I'm ugly and I'm a bitch then he shot me.

Me: Megan don't listen to him. You're so beautiful and make me so happy.

Megan: Ethan I really don't care what people think about me. I've been called multiple things before, behind my back and up to my face. I've just gotten used to people hating me for whatever reason. But I've learned not to give a fuck about what people think about me. That's why I was sarcastic when I first got her. Not that I'm still not but I was just seeing how you were with me.

Me: Megan I loved you from the first moment I laid my eyes on you and I always will even when I act like an ass.

Megan laughed and so did I. I fucking love this girl.

Thanks for reading!!!

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