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Ethan: For the last fucking time, who drugged Megan's drink?

The both of them were shaking.

Beck: I-I d-did.

Ethan: Francesca out.

I hurried up and ran into the closest room so that no one would see me. I saw Francesca walk out really scared. Once she was gone I walked out of the room and continued to watch.

I peeked in the door.

Ethan: You have 5 seconds before your with Clegg.

Beck: I-I'm Sorry b-boss. I didn't t-think that you would a-actually care. F-Francesca drugged me and you d-didn't seem to give a shit.

Ethan: For one, you were 23 and Megan is 19. Second of all, if I want to care about this, I will care about it because I'm the boss not you. And finally, you better get your fucking act together before you end up in that cell like Clegg. Understand me?

Beck: Y-Yes I'm sorry Boss.

Ethan: Go.

Beck walked out right past me. I walked in the room and saw Ethan sitting in a chair running his hands through his hair. I walked over and sat down next to him.

I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around him. I heard him sigh.

Me: You ok?

Ethan: Yeah just stressed. All I want to do is go home and lay on the couch with you.

I smiled and had a metal celebration party in my head. You know what that's like, when your crush finally asks you out and you throw yourself a party. Well anyway that's how excited I was.

Me: I would like that.

We sat there for a little while before I remembered about his sister.

Me: You sister Lark is here to see you.

Ethan: Tell her I'll talk to her later. I want to go home.

I laughed and got up off the chair that I was sitting in. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up off the chair.

Ethan: Your stronger than you look.

I smiled and we walked out to the main area. Ethan talked to his sister for a little and then we left. I walked to the car and Ethan drove off.

He pulled up in the driveway and we both got out and walked to the door. Ethan got his keys out and opened the door letting us both in. We walked in and I took off my shoes and so did Ethan.

Ethan walked over to the couch and I followed him. He laid down on his back and I laid on top of his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair.

Me: Ethan?

Ethan: Yeah?

Me: Why didn't you tell me that you had a twin sister?

Ethan: I guess it just never really came up. Besides, I don't really like my sister. I just talk to her because she's the only family member I have that doesn't constantly tell me I'm doing something wrong.

Me: Oh. I'm sorry.

Ethan: Don't. You didn't do anything and I don't even see my parents a lot. They're always traveling.

I wrapped my arms around Ethan's next and laid my head on his chest. I saw him smile.

Ethan: So tell me something about you.

Me: What do you want to know? There's a lot.

Ethan: Anything. I wanna know something about you.

Me: Well my whole family hates me.

Ethan: Why?

Me: Promise you won't judge me.

Ethan: What do I have to judge? I'm a Mafia Leader.

I laughed and Ethan smiled. Then I told him something that Jason doesn't even know.

Me: I uh.

I looked down at my hands and a tear slipped out of my eye. I felt Ethan place his hand on my thigh and rub it.

Ethan: If you don't wanna tell me it's fine. I don't wanna force you.

Me: No it's fine. I wanna get if off my chest.

Ethan: Ok.

Me: Well when I was like 15 I was out with my friend and this guy grabbed me and pulled me into a back alley. He raped me and then I went home and he must've followed me and my mom was pissed because she thought that it was my fault. So she kicked me out and my brother and sister were helping me until I got raped again and they thought it was my fault and they stopped talking to me. So I ended up staying with my friend Jason for a while and then here we are.

Ethan: You got raped twice?

Me: Well actually I got raped 4 times. Two times after that.

Ethan pulled me closer to him and hugged me. His hand went up my back and he rubbed it. I laid my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

Ethan: meganiloveyou

I heard Ethan whisper something but I didn't know what exactly he said. I looked up at him and looked in his eyes as he looked in mine.

Me: What?

Ethan: Nothing.

I rolled my eyes because I knew he didn't say nothing. I wasn't gonna let this go because I knew damn well that he said something.

Me: I know damn well you said something and it had to do with me so get talking.

Ethan: Someone got their attitude back.

Me: And it'll get worse if you don't tell me what you said.

Ethan: I'm not telling you if you ask like that.

I looked at Ethan and stuck my middle finger up at him. His hand traveled to my ass and squeezed it. I jumped looking at him.

Me: What the hell was that for?

Ethan: I told you to watch your attitude or we'll have problems.

Me: Fuck off.

Ethan: Being like that is not helping you if you wanna know what I said.

I got up off of Ethan and sat in the chair across from the couch. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me and whispered something in my ear that I could never forget.

Ethan: I said Megan I love you.

I looked up at him shocked. I didn't know what to say. I love him too but the words couldn't get out of my mouth fast enough.

Ethan walked down the hall to his room and he shut the door. I was sitting on the chair still in shock.

Once I brought myself back to reality I got up off the chair and walked to Ethan's room. I opened the door but it was quickly shut.

Me: Ethan let me in. I wanna talk to you.

Ethan: Hang on

Me: Just let me in.

Ethan: Unless you wanna see my dick I'd advise you to wait.

I rolled my eyes and waited by the door.

Ethan: Alright you can come in.

I opened the door and walked in. I saw Ethan sitting on his bed shirtless. Damn. I just gotta not focus on his six pack and tell him that I like him too.

Thanks for reading❤️

More coming soon!

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