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John: Down the hall first door to the left.

I nodded and walked down the hall. Once I got to the door I knocked but there was no answer. I opened it and saw Ethan laying on the bed with his arm over his eyes. He looked absolutely miserable. I couldn't really see his face but he just looked worn out. I stood there for a little seeing if Ethan would realize I was there but he didn't. He wasn't sleeping though because he kept fidgeting around.

Me: You know it's rude not to say something to your girlfriend after she traveled here to see you.

Ethan moved his arm away and looked up over at me. I waved and he laughed, the best he could. I smiled and he smiled back. He did look miserable. His eyes were all red and just by the way he laughed I could tell that he couldn't talk that well.

Ethan: What are you doing here baby?

Me: I came to see you.

Ethan: Why?

Me: Your birthdays tomorrow and I wanted to surprise you. Surprise.

Ethan smiled and so did I. I walked over to him but he pushed me back.

Me: What?

Ethan: I don't know if you've realized but I'm sick.

Me: And?

Ethan sighed then laughed. He reached his arm out over to me and pulled me over to him. I smiled then laid down next to him. His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands ran through my hair.

Ethan: How did you get here anyway?

Me: Well I bought a ticket.

Ethan: No shit.

Me: *laughs* Then Trey brought me here.

Ethan: Treys here?

Me: Mhm.

Ethan nodded and I snuggled into his chest. He laughed then rubbed my back.

Me: Your dad hates me.

Ethan: He hates me so don't feel bad.

Me: Your his son. I'm sure he doesn't hate you.

Ethan: Oh yes he does. Matthews his favorite.

Me: How do you know?

Ethan: Well since Matthew is the oldest he was supposed to be in charge of this gang but he said that he didn't want to and "it was too much work." So he forced me to take over.

I sighed then hugged Ethan. He smiled and hugged me back. We laid there for a while and then Ethan's dad started yelling.

John: Ethan!

Ethan: What?!

Ethan started coughing right after he yelled and I felt bad. I buried my head in the crock over his neck and he rubbed the back of my head.

John: Get your ass out of bed and over here right now!

Ethan: Why?

John: Now Ethan!

Ethan: But-

John: Get the fuck out here before you regret it!

Ethan groaned then rolled out of bed. I sighed and sat up watching him walked out the door. He looked so miserable and like he was gonna throw up. I got out of bed and leaned against the door so I could hear what was going on. Ethan walked over to his dad and glared at him.

Ethan: What?

John: Did you know about this?

Ethan: About What?

John: About your little girlfriend.

Ethan: How the hell would I know?!

John: Don't start the shit with me Ethan!

Ethan: I didn't know! And why do you care?

John: I don't want her here!

Ethan: Why not dad? Why do you hate Megan? Huh? Why?

John: Well For starters she's distracting you too much. You're always with her and not where your supposed to be.

Ethan: That's not fucking true!

John: Oh yeah? Then why did Hunter attack her?

Ethan stayed silent and his dad stood there with his arms crossed. I saw Trey standing behind John looking at Ethan also.

Trey: He's kinda right Ethan. You're always with Megan.

Ethan looked up at Trey pissed off. Trey took a step back and then John started yelling again.

John: See Ethan! Even your friend agrees with me!

Ethan: If you have such a problem why didn't you tell me before?!

Trey: I thought you'd break up with Megan sooner.

Ethan grabbed the nearest glass item and threw it at Trey. He blocked his face and the glass hit him in the arm. Ethan stormed over to Trey and pushed him against the wall. Fuck. What did I do?

John: Thats enough Ethan!

John pulled Ethan off of Trey and threw him on the floor. I jumped and Ethan got up. He punched his dad straight in the face and I got terrified. John was absolutely pissed off right now. Ethan and his dad started fighting and that eventually turned into a punching match.

Trey stayed out of it but he didn't do anything. He just stood there watching. I wanted to go out and do something but something told me not to. There was blood all over the floor and I was so scared but also I felt guilty. I know that this is all my fault. If I didn't come they wouldn't be fighting.

Eventually they stopped. Why you ask? Well Ethan was having trouble fighting because he was sick and he was on the floor coughing. His dad really hurt him and I was so pissed. There was blood coming out from Ethan's nose, hands, arms, and he started coughing blood.

John: You're weak Ethan.

John kicked Ethan in the side and Ethan coughed again. I was about to take a step out but then Ethan looked up at me and shook his head with a worried look in his eyes so I stepped back in the room.

Trey looked down at Ethan but instead of helping him he walked away over to John in the kitchen. All I wanted to do was beat the shit out of them but I didn't want to make it worse for Ethan.

I mean Trey is supposed to be Ethan's best friend and look how he's treating him. He just left him there on the floor coughed blood. I wanted so badly to go out there and kick his ass and I was about to before Ethan started to get up. Once he was up he started walking over to me but then....

Thanks for reading!

More on the way!!

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