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Ethan got up out of the bed and slammed his fists against the wall. I got up and walked over to him. I put my hand on his arm but he slapped it away.

Ethan: Don't fucking touch me.

Me: Ethan I don't know what to do! I thought you would help me.

Ethan: Why would I help you? You cheated on me!

Me: For the last time I didn't!

Ethan: Well then how did you get it then? It's not from me!

Me: How many times do I have to tell you?! I don't know asshole!

Ethan: How could you not know?!

Me: Because I didn't do anything with anyone Ethan!

Ethan: Well then who were you with then?!

Me: What do you mean?

Ethan: Well you're saying that nobody fucked you so did you kiss anyone?!

Me: The only person I fucking kissed was you!!

Ethan: Well I don't have it so stop fucking turning it around on me!

Me: How do you know that you don't?

Ethan: Because I got tested 3 months ago Megan!

Me: Ethan I need you to help me. I don't know what to do.

Ethan: What do you want me to do Megan?

Me: I don't know Ethan. I don't know what to do and I'm scared.


I looked at Megan and sighed. When I looked into her eyes I saw complete fear. Could she have cheated on me?

Megan: Ethan please believe me. I promise I didn't cheat on you. I don't know where the STI came from.

Me: Megan just sit down and listen to me please.

She sat down and I walked over. I sat down next to her and held onto both of her hands.

Me: I believe you Megan that you didn't cheat on me but where did that come from?

Megan: I don't know.

I pulled Megan closer to me and hugged her. I could hear her crying softly so I ran my hand up and down her back. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I didn't want to risk the chance of her getting sick even though she's been around me a lot.

Megan looked up at me and her eyes were red. She moved forward and kissed me. Of course I kissed her back. I ran my hands up her back into her hair and her hands went to my hair. I fucking love this girl so much. As we kissed I remembered something. Oh that boys gonna get it.


As me and Ethan kissed he pulled away. I looked at him.

Ethan: I know where you got that from.

Me: Where?

Ethan: Come with me Megan.

Ethan got up and I followed him. I honestly had no idea what was going on. We walked out to the car and both got in. Then Ethan drove off.

He pulled up to the warehouse and got out of the car.

Ethan: Stay in the car Megan.

Me: Why?

Ethan: Because I don't want you to see what I'm gonna do.

Me: Ethan please don't kill anyone.

Ethan walked away to the warehouse and went inside. I could hear him screaming from outside. I wanted to see what was going on but I didn't because Ethan was honestly scaring me so I'll check when I don't hear him yelling. If that even happens.

Eventually it did so I got out of the car and walked to the door and listened in. It was quiet and I couldn't hear anything. Fuck. I quietly opened the door and walked in. I didn't realize that Ethan was still in the room.

Ethan: Megan what did I tell you?!

Me: I was just curious.

Ethan: Megan go wait in the car.

Me: Why can't I stay here?

Ethan: Megan now!

Me: Why can't I jus-

Ethan: Megan I'm in the middle of something. Go in the damn car!

I was gonna go in the car but then something came over me.

Me: No. You're not bossing me around. 

Ethan raised an eyebrow at me then walked closer. He was so close that I could feel his heart beating. I could feel every breath that he took. His wrapped his arm around my waist and got close to my ear.

Ethan: Get in the car before you regret it Megan.

Me: You can't do that much Ethan. I have an STI.

Ethan: What happens when you get off that pill? Then I'll have a lot I can do to do.

Me: Like what?

Ethan: You better just wait.

I looked up at Ethan and smirked. He smirked back and I walked to the door. I turned around and saw the Ethan was staring at me. I smiled then walked out the door. I didn't go far though. I stayed by the door so that I could listen.

Ethan: Megan I said the car not by the door!

Me: Fuck off.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the car. I opened the door and got in. I waited for Ethan and was so bored. As I was watching the door I saw Trey walk out. I got out of the car and walked over to him.

Me: What?

Trey: Boss wanted me to check to make sure you're still out here.

Me: Can I come in?

Trey: No.

Me: Why not?

Trey: Because.

Before I could say anything else Trey walked away. I had enough of all this bullshit. I'm an adult. If I wanna go somewhere I'll go. Trey opened the door and I ran towards him and jumped. I managed to throw off his balance so I pushed past him. I sprinted down the hall and Trey can running after me.

Me: Why can't I go?!

I didn't give Trey the chance to answer. Instead I walked into Ethan's office and saw the most horrifying thing. Ethan was chocking his brother and there was blood everywhere.

Me: Ethan!

Ethan looked at me and then let go of his brother. Matthew fell on the floor and coughed. There was blood all over the place. I couldn't believe Ethan.

Matthew: I-I'm s-sorry Megan.

Me: For What?

Matthew: I-I had an STI a-and was on pills and one n-night while Ethan w-was sleeping I g-gave you a drink a-and took you t-to my place.

Ethan kicked his brother and Matthew coughed out blood.

Me: Ethan stop!

Ethan: Megan I told you to go wait in the car!

Me: Well if I wasn't here your brother would be dead! Do you realize what your doing?!

Thanks for reading♥️

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