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Whoever she's talking about is dead whenever I find him.

Me: Megan I need you to tell me who he is so I can protect you.

She didn't answer. She was just crying into my chest so I rubbed her back. Trey came running out and looked at me.

Trey: We gotta land bro.

Me: We are not fucking landing!

Hunter: We have to Boss.

Megan: Ethan please.

I looked at Megan and she had more than fear in her eyes. She was petrified and I wanted to know why but know was not the time to ask. I tried to set Megan down but she wouldn't get off of me.

Me: Megan you need to get off me now.

Megan: But E-

Me: Megan now!

Megan jumped and then got off. She walked in the back and closed the curtains. I felt bad but I didn't want her to get hurt.

Hunter landed the plane on an island and the plane behind us landed. We all three got out guns and walked out.


I stayed in the back of the plane hoping no one would notice me. You're all probably pretty confused so let me break it down for you. You see, Trevor is my ex boyfriend. As I said before my mom made me date boys that I didn't like and he was one of them. Trevor raped me and he abused me and used me. He treated me like shit and forced me to do whatever he wanted.

I know Ethan can take him down but he brings a lot of backup and there's only three of them. I hope that Ethan is o-

I was grabbed and pushed into the wall. I was hoping that it was Ethan but it wasn't. I looked up and saw Trevor standing there holding my wrists against the wall. Seeing him again brought back a whole lot of memories. Ones that made me sick to my stomach.

Trevor: Miss me?

Me: Not really.

He slapped me across the face and I whimpered.

Me: Where's Ethan?

Trevor: Which One is he?

Me: He has brown hair and tall.

Trevor: Oh him. Yeah he's an ass.

Me: Where is he?

Trevor: In my jet with his other friends.

Me: Please don't hurt him Trevor.

Trevor: I will do what I want to.

I sighed and started crying. Once again Trevor slapped me across the face.

Trevor: Let's go.

Trevor grabbed my arm and dragged me along with him. He pulled me to his jet and I saw Ethan, Trey, and Hunter all there. They were tied up and I felt so bad. This is all my fault.

Ethan looked up at me with rage in his eyes. He looked over at Trevor then back at me again.

Trevor: Come on.

He pulled me and Ethan reached his foot out and kicked him. Trevor turned around and pulled out a gun. I panicked and ran in front of Ethan.

Me: Trevor please don't.

He thought for a little then put his gun away. He grabbed me again and pulled me. I looked back at Ethan then turned back around.

He threw me in the back and I landed on the couch. Trevor got on top of me and I closed my eyes hoping that he would go away. I felt him take my shirt off and I screamed. He punched my stomach and I stopped.

Trevor: Stop it now Megan.

Me: What are you doing?

Trevor: You know damn well what I'm  gonna do.


I heard Megan scream and Trevor hit her. That just set me over the edge. I ripped the ropes off out from the wall and I untied myself. I stormed to the back of the plane.

I saw Trevor holding Megan against the wall and she was terrified. I walked right up to him and pulled him off of Megan. He looked at me then grabbed Megan.

Trevor: Back up.

I didn't move and his hand went up to her neck so I backed up. Megan started coughing and his hand started to get tighter so I backed up more. His hand came off of Megan's neck and she fell on the ground. He smiled then kicked her and that set me over the edge.

I ran and tackled him on the ground. Megan got up and ran out. I grabbed Trevor and strangled him until he blacked out.


I ran out and went over to Trey and Hunter. I untied them and they went in after Ethan with guns. I was so scared out of my mind I didn't know what to do so I just waited for Ethan to come back in.

Once he did I ran over and hugged him. He hugged me back picking me up off the ground.

Trey: You two can finish all this later we need to go.

Ethan carried me out to his plane and we took off back to Hawaii.

Ethan: So are you gonna tell me why you were freaking our before and who the hell that was? 

Me: That was my ex boyfriend.

Ethan: Your what?!

Me: My ex boyfriend.

Ethan: Why would you date that?

Me: My mom threatened to kick me out if I didn't date him. I don't tell a lot of people about him. It's too hard for me.

Ethan: You don't have to tell me.

Me: I don't know how but he called me and that's why I was acting like that. I'm sorry that I slapped your arm.

Ethan laughed then smiled. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He got close to my ear and whispered.

Ethan: I love you so fucking much baby. When I heard him hit you that set me over the edge. I don't like when other men even touch you. Only I'm allowed to.

I smirked and bit my lip. Ethan started sucking and biting on my neck.  I moaned and I felt Ethan smirk against my skin. Ethan moved down my neck then looked up at me. His hand ran up and down my back. I looked up at Ethan and he smiled. I love this boy so much.

But why are we really going to Hawaii?

Thanks for reading♥️

More on the way!

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