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I looked over at Ethan and he was sleeping. I sighed and held onto Ethan. My arms tightened around him and I closed my eyes. Hopefully I can just be with him tomorrow and not worry about anything. I laid there a little longer and I eventually fell asleep at around 4:30 AM.

/5:30 AM/

I woke up about an hour later. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I can't sleep. I looked up at Ethan and he was still sound asleep. I'm pretty sure he woke up a couple seconds later because he started to rub my back but his eyes were still closed. I sighed and moved closer to Ethan.

Ethan: Baby what's wrong?

Me: Noth-

Ethan: Tell me right now. I know somethings wrong. I'm not dumb.

Me: It's nothing really. It's stupid.

Ethan: Well if it's nothing you should have no problem telling me.

Me: I just feel like I'm bothering you and you're hardly with me.

Ethan: I'm sorry Megan. You're not bothering me at all. It's just that I have a responsibility to be at the warehouse and make sure that everything is going ok. I know it doesn't seem like it but I've been trying to be there less it's just hard to.

Me: I'm sorry I shouldn't be so selfish.

Ethan: Megan your not don't say that.

I looked up at Ethan and he hugged me.

Ethan: If it makes you feel better I have nothing to do tomorrow. I'm all yours.

Me: All mine?

I looked at Ethan and smirked.

Ethan: All yours.

Ethan and I staid up talking for a little until I eventually fell asleep.

/10:37 AM/

I woke up and Ethan was sitting up watching tv. His hand was on my thigh and I smiled. His phone started ringing and he answered it. He didn't know that I was up so I just listened.

Ethan: What?


Ethan: Absolutely not today.


Ethan: I'm your fucking boss and you'll reschedule the meeting.

Ethan hung up and set (Well more like slammed) his phone down. I looked up at him and started talking.

Me: What was that about?

Ethan: It was nothing. Don't worry about it.

I knew Ethan had something to do today but he wasn't telling me so I just gave up on asking. Ethan pulled me on top of him and we laid there for a while talking to each other. As we talked I had an urge to throw up.

Me: Ethan move your arms.

Ethan: Wha-

Me: Now.

He moved his arms that were around me and I ran to the bathroom. I went to the toilet and threw up.


Megan: Ethan moved your arms.

Me: Wha-

Megan: Now.

I moved my arms and Megan ran off somewhere. I got up off the bed and followed her. I saw that she ran to the bathroom so I quietly opened the door and saw that she was throwing up. I sighed then walked over to her.

I got closer to Megan and held her hair back. I felt bad for her so I started to rub her back. Once she was done she got up and I hugged her. She hugged me back then let go.

Me: Are you ok?

Megan: Yeah I don't know what happened.

Me: Go lay down. I'll get you something if you want.

Megan: I'm fine Ethan. I probably just ate so-

Before she could finish she threw up again. I held Megan's hair back again. She started coughing and I didn't know what to do so I called Lark.

Lark: What's up E?
Me: Megan's sick. What do I do?
Lark: Well I would suggest calling a fucking doctor idiot.
Me: The doctor I have is 12 hours away.
Lark: There's fucking doctors in Hawaii brother.
Me: Absolutely not.
Lark: Why?
Me: Because I don't trust the doctors here.

As I talked to Lark I felt Megan wrap her arms around my waist. I rubbed her back and continued talking to Lark.

Me: What should I do in the meantime?
Lark: I'm not a doctor.
Me: Well just give me something. I feel bad.
Lark: Aww does Ethan have feelings now?
Me: Just fucking tell me.
Lark: And he's back. Just give her some Advil and make sure that she rests.
Me: I'll try.

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. Megan was still holding onto me so I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I felt bad for her. She honestly looked so sick. She was fine a couple hours ago and now she looks like a completely different person.

I walked to the bed and set her down. I laid down next to Megan and she coughed again.

Me: Do you want me to call a doctor?

Megan: No. I'm fine Ethan.

Megan rolled over and got really close to me which I didn't mind. I ran my hand up and down her back. Her hand ran down my stomach down to my dick. She grabbed it and I looked at her. She smiled then ran her hand back up. I was gonna kiss her but she pushed me back.

Megan: I don't wanna get you sick. You were sick like last month.

Me: I'm glad that you care but I really don't.

She smiled then laughed. I smiled back at Megan and kissed her. She's so fucking cute. I love her so much. More than I've ever loved anyone before. Megan pulled up a blanket and wrapped it around her.

Me: Megan it's like 95 degrees out there. How the fuck are you cold?

Megan laughed and I smiled. I love her laugh.

Megan: I'm cold.

Me: I'll call my doctor if you want.

Megan: What do you mean "your doctor"?

Me: I have a doctor that works for me.

Megan: Of course you do.

I laughed and Megan smiled. I wish it could always be like this where I could be with her all day just laying in bed. She's actually gonna hate me at the end of this trip because she doesn't know why exactly we're here.

Thanks for reading♥️

More on the way!

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