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I rolled my eyes and walked into the room where I slept the first night I came here. I guess it was my room. I shut the door and laid down on the bed. I thought to myself.

What happened at the warehouse that was bothering Ethan? Whatever it was I'm gonna find out.

/Next Morning/

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I was debating on wether to go see Ethan or not. I decided yes and walked to his door. I tried to open it but it was still locked.

Me: Ethan either open this damn door or I'll pick it.

He didn't answer so I got a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock. The door opened and I walked in. I saw Ethan sleeping with his shirt off. I got closer to him and saw scratches all down his back and scars on his shoulders. There was also bruises down his arms and now both of his eyes where black and blue. What happened to him? What happened at the warehouse?

Ethan started to shift around so I was assuming that he was up or getting up. I walked to the door and shut it quietly. I really wanted to ask Ethan what happened but I didn't feel like hearing him yell at me for being in there.

I walked to my room and shut the door. I sat on the bed and laid back down. Faintly, I could hear Ethan's door open and him walking down the hall. I opened the door and walked down the hall also. I came to the kitchen and saw Ethan. He had pants and long sleeves on. He's trying to hide all that from me!

I was gonna get that out of him because I wanted to make him mad. I mean I already know about the scratches but I want him to tell me. I walked farther into the kitchen and Ethan turned around. He looked at me then went back to whatever he was doing. I decided that I'm gonna be a bitch and get the truth out of him.

Me: Why are you in long sleeves? It's warm out.

Ethan: Because I want to.

Me: Why?

Ethan: Megan I'm not playing your games.

Me: What games? I just asked a question.

Ethan: And I answered.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. Ethan turned around and put his shoes on.

Me: Where are you going?

He didn't answer. Instead he walked out the door. Asshole. I quietly looked out the window and saw that Ethan's car was still there so he obviously didn't go to the warehouse. I got off the couch and walked into my room. I grabbed my phone and called Trey.

Trey: Hey Megan. How's boss?
Me: Good Why?
Trey: Oh never mind.
Me: You better fucking tell me or I'll hunt you down.
Trey: It's nothing really.
Me: I'm not dumb Trey. I saw what happened to Ethan and now he's not talking to me.
Trey: Well What do you want me to do?
Me: Tell me what happened?
Trey: Why Don't you just ask Ethan?
Me: Well for one he's not here and two, if you were listening, I said he would talk to me.
Trey: I don't know exactly what happened though.
Me: I don't care. I just want to know I'm worried about him.
Trey: If he asked I didn't tell you ok?
Me: Ok.
Trey: Last night Boss's dad came down to the warehouse and told me to call boss so I did. He came down and his dad told everyone to leave which I found kinda weird so I just hid until everyone left. Once everyone was gone I came out from where I was hiding and I heard Ethan's dad screaming at him for what he did to Matthew. I heard a lot of throwing around so I left. I don't know what happened from there.
Me: Poor Ethan. Why wouldn't he tell me?
Trey: He probably doesn't want you to worry.
Me: I guess. Is Ethan's dad still here?
Trey: I'm pretty sure. Why?
Me: Just wondering. Where would he be?
Trey: The warehouse most likely. Whenever he comes he goes there.
Me: Ok thanks. Bye.

I hung up before Trey got the chance to say anything else. I put a pair of my converse on and grabbed the other set of Ethan's keys. I walked to the car and drove to the warehouse.

I parked and then got out of the car. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Ethan's dad standing there. He turned around and looked at me.

John: What are you doing here?

Me: I came to talk to you.

John: About what?

Me: About what you did to Ethan.


I walked around the park thinking. I wanted to tell Megan what happened but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't even look her in the eye or talk to her anymore. It's nothing she did. I just don't want her to do something stupid like go and talk to my dad because I know he'll hurt her.

As I walked my phone rang. I saw that it was Trey but I just ignored it. I really wasn't in the mood right now. I just wanted to me alone. It stated to ring again so I just decided to answer it.

Me: What?
Trey: Are you with Megan?
Me: No.
Trey: Is she still at your house?
Me: I don't know. Why?
Trey: I think she went to talk to your dad.
Me: What! What did you fucking tell her?!
Trey: She told me that she saw what happened to you so I told her what I heard. I didn't know that she would go talk to your dad.
Me: How do you know that she went to talk to him?
Trey: She asked me if he was still here and where he would be.
Me: You're an asshole. Why would you tell her that!
Trey: I wasn't thinking at the time.
Me: Trey! My dad is a violent person. You heard a little of what he did to me! Who knows what he'll do to Megan!
Trey: I'm sure she'll be ok.
Me: I don't know if you've noticed but Megan's not built like me. She's fragile Trey!
Trey: I'll meet you at the warehouse.

I put my phone away and walked, well more like ran, to my car. I got in and drove to the warehouse. I hope Megan is ok.

Thanks for reading♥️

More on the way!

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