chapter ten

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They followed the Grounder from a safe distance for what had to have been a few hours, and he led them to a secluded, discreet cave. Bellamy hesitated before making a move to proceed. Hazel rolled her eyes and pulled him back, "Ladies first, remember?" She proceeded to enter the cave, carefully moving so she wouldn't make a sound. The dirty blonde smirked to herself, although she hadn't known where the sudden confidence came from. She supposed that her maternal instincts took over, considering she was thinking about how Bellamy would react if they had found a bloody and beaten Octavia there, dead. She'd rather be able to stop Bellamy from seeing his sister's possibly dead form.

Finn chuckled at his sister but made sure she wasn't too far ahead of them. Considering Hazel refused to carry a weapon with her—besides Murphy's knife, which she had lost some time when they were on the run—because she hated violence, he didn't want her to be completely open to attack.

As Hazel slowly crept further into the cave, she heard the sound of chains clashing against each other. Chains. Chains mean prisoner. Prisoner is. . . Octavia? So that meant she was alive.

She moved further into the cave and noticed a motionless body on the floor. From his odd clothing and war-painted face, Hazel was able to tell what he was. A Grounder. It wasn't like she had pictured it to be. The dirty blonde didn't think that a Grounder would look so. . . human. She bit down on her bottom lip as she stared at the still figure. Bellamy was next to enter and his face flushed with relief as he took in the sight of his sister. "Octavia."

"Bellamy?" She cried out as he wrapped his arms around her. "Get the key!"

He began to unlock the chains that were around his sister's wrists as he called, "Monroe, watch the entrance."

Hazel knelt down next to the Grounder, examining the bleeding wound on his head. She assumed that Octavia was the cause of that when she knocked him out. A few stitches would fix his head, but the Grounder didn't seem to have a suture kit in his medieval cave. Bellamy glanced over at the medic, "What the hell are you doing? Check my sister!"

Rolling her eyes, Hazel made her way past the Grounder and over to Octavia, checking out the cleaned up cut on her hairline. Once Hazel claimed that there was nothing essential that she could do at the moment, Octavia launched herself at her brother. While they reunited, Hazel looked down at the Grounder curiously. He must have cleaned her wounds and gave her medicine. . . This situation reminded Hazel too much of what happened with Jasper. He had been medically treated right before the Grounders strung him up as live bait.

While Hazel was lost in a deep train of thought, she missed out on Octavia and Jasper hugging along with Bellamy moving toward the Grounder to kill him. Before he could, Hazel wrapped her arm around his tense bicep, "Wait!"

Finn crouched down in front of the Grounder looking at something attached to his belt. Bellamy quickly shrugged Hazel's hand off of him as he frustratedly ordered, "Finn, move." But the curly haired brunette forgot that Finn didn't answer to him. The tracker only answered to himself, and Hazel—on occasion.

"Fog horn," Finn realized before suddenly, the Grounder rose from his laying position on the cold floor and shoved a dagger into his chest. Hazel cried out for her younger brother, rushing toward his side as she tried to figure out what to do. She didn't care that she had put herself in harms way or that the Grounder went to make her his next target. The only reason she wasn't attacked with another one of the Grounder's blades was because of the curly haired brunette.

Bellamy started to fight the Grounder as Octavia went to remove the dagger from Finn's chest. "No, don't!" Hazel stopped her, "If it hasn't already ruptured the aorta, it could if we move it the wrong way. The only thing we can do now is get him back to camp. I'm going to need Clarke's help." She then began to mutter soothing words to her unconscious brother and prayed that he would be okay. Hazel couldn't lose Finn. Losing her brother was not an option.

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