chapter forty-four

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Night had finally fallen and the three Grounders were tired, but only the female would admit it. The other men claimed they did not need sleep to survive, no matter how many times the woman told them that she could keep watch. It wasn't a surprise that they had rejected her offer, seeing as Adela had the tendency to nod off whenever it was her turn to stay awake.

"Finally, we're here," the long-haired brunette, who was adorned in gems and jewels announced. She was speaking in her second language, which the men did not appreciate. They preferred to use their native tongue, but Adela payed their complaints no mind. She was of a high enough station that she didn't need to worry about what the men thought of her.

They approached the trading post, slightly quicker than they normally would seeing as the temperature had dropped in the past hour they had been walking. One of the men opened the door for the other two, then quickly followed in after the woman.

Adela looked around the room and saw two women, one having been the one who ran the post. She grabbed hold of the male's hand in front of her and stood up on her tiptoes so that she could press her lips to his tribal painted cheek. "You promised I could get whatever I liked," she spoke in Trigedasleng as she pulled back with a smile.

The corners of the male's lips turned up into a half smile as he nodded, "Yes, love, anything you want is yours." Adela squealed before taking off towards the farthest corner of the building.

While she explored the clothing options and jewelry, the two men lingered by the doorway. The shopkeeper walked around the counter and asked, "You got something to trade?" When neither of them responded, Niylah rolled her eyes. "I asked you a question."

One of the men finally turned to the blonde after taking his eyes off of his beautiful brunette acquaintance in the back of the room and posed the question, "Have you seen this woman?" At the same time, he slammed a drawing down onto the table that showed a picture of the one woman everyone seemed to be looking for: Wanheda.

"That's not very good likeness," Niylah responded after glancing down at the cloth.

The man in charge grunted before stating, "Then you have seen her."

"She was here two days ago. That's how I got this," the blonde shopkeeper held up her wrist, showing off a metal wristband. "She said she was going north, following Eden's path."

While the Grounders continued to talk about the evasive Wanheda, the second woman who was in the store failed to hear Adela sneak up next to her. "I love your hair," she stated in English, smiling when the red-haired woman flinched. The brunette grabbed one of the bright red tendrils and twirled it around her fingers, careful not to get any strands stuck on her rings as she did so.

"Tha—mochof," Clarke responded, stuttering over her words as she tried to recover from the surprise guest. The fake-auburn haired woman realized that speaking in English would only give her away, and she would need to be more careful next time.

Adela grinned before looking around the room and taking off towards the most expensive-looking furs. The unnatural redhead could have sworn she saw the brunette wink at her, which was only slightly unnerving. 

The Grounder woman continued to search through the furs, though she didn't seem to find anything she favored. Clarke could have sworn she heard the woman muttering about how she owned a fur too similar to this and that. The woman must have been extremely wealthy in riches and treasures, she noticed as if her clothing and jewels were not an obvious giveaway.

A low whistle broke Adela out of her shopping spree and she turned towards her companions who were waiting by the exit of the trading post. With a sigh, she placed the fur down and went towards the two men. The brunette passed Clarke on her way out and bid her a nice evening, which surprised the other two women.

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