Three. ~

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Taehyung's P.O.V
She finally turned around to look at me, although avoiding eye contact, and I got a glance of her eyes. They were big/small and e/c. They were beautiful,like her, and I felt lost looking at them, but it didn't last very long.

She fainted.
'Oh god. Must have been a hard audition.' I thought, catching her just in time. I gently dragged her back inside and lay her on a seat next to me. I stared at her. She looked so adorable unconscious. Ok maybe that wasn't a good thing.

Worriedly I layed my hand on her forehead. She was out cold. But what could I do!? The next auditionee would be arriving soon and I couldn't drag her all the way to my dorm. Then I noticed the water cooler next to me...

Your P.O.V
I felt something cold and refreshing splatter my face. It felt so nice that I couldn't help but smile. But just as I smiled I heard a deep, adorable and also a very familiar laugh in front of me. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the face of Kim Taehyung only a few inches away from me.

I gasped in surprise which made Tae recline. Tae? I had always called him Tae but it felt weird calling someone who I had just met by their nickname. So it wasn't a dream. I was lying here in the waiting room of BigHit Entertainment looking like a sweaty mess, with Taehyung standing right next to me, who I had just choked AND fainted in front of.

For a second I just looked at him. He looked even better in real life. Even though he was wearing no makeup and his hair was kinda messy, he looked like an angel. I guessed that he had probably been rehearsing. I didn't look at his eyes though. I couldn't make eye contact and faint again.

'Sorry if I startled you. Are you okay?' He asked, looking genuinely worried.
His English accent was so cute I couldn't not giggle. He smiled his beautiful rectangular smile from seeing me giggle and I almost died. 'Yes' Was all I could manage to say.

Author's note - All conversation from now is in Korean

'Oh, you can speak Korean! I wasn't sure whether you could, you don't look Korean.' He held out my purse. 'Here you left this.'
'Th-Thank you'

I still couldn't believe I was talking to Kim Taehyung. But the truth was, we were strangers. Although I had felt like I had known him for half of my life, he was still a stranger. And I was a complete stranger to him. A very stupid stranger probably. I took a deep breath and sat up, and was about to say something when suddenly Tae put his arm around me.

' You still seem very shaky, don't rush yourself.' My heart was about to melt from his genuine care. And also because of the fact that he was touching me. Again.

'I'm okay. I'm sorry for choking and fainting and wasting your time.' I mumbled.

'No need to apologise, none of it was your fault. It was probably me that surprised me and made you choke. Besides, I couldn't just leave you! I'm Taehyung, by the way.'

He took his arm off me and held it out to shake my hand. 'You might know who I am if you're auditioning for BigHit.'

I smiled and shook his hand, still avoiding eye contact. ' Oh yes I know who you are. I-I(I was about to ramble about how much he had inspired me and changed my life and basically be a complete and utter fan girl but I decided not to.) I'm y/n.'

His hand was warm and soft and also a lot bigger than my hand and I felt so comforted and wanted to hold it forever. In that split second I remembered all my daydreams when I was a teenager of holding his hand. He slowly let go of my hand as if on purpose to make me want to cling on to it.

'Y/n. Wahh that's a pretty name.'

Taehyung's P.O.V
'Pretty like you' I thought, though I
didn't dare to say it aloud.
'So you auditioned,right? How was it?'

Your P.O.V
'It was actually pretty good.' I said, staring at the ground. He was wearing red trainers that looked brand new. Were they Gucci? I chuckled inside at the thought.

'Were you nervous?'
His voice enchanted me as he spoke. I loved how deep it was. I realised how he was actually making an effort to make conversation with me and I told myself to get a grip and talk normally. But still no direct eye contact.

'I was, actually. But once I stepped into the room and DNA started playing my nerves disappeared. I'm actually a huge fan of you guys and have been for ages. You have always inspired me and you are one of the main reasons I came here to Korea to try and audition.' I blushed at the huge confession I had just made.

Taehyung's P.O.V
She was so cute while blushing, I wanted to hug her.
'Wow that's the most you've said today!' I teased 'And that makes me so happy to hear that I inspired you! It really makes my day when I meet ARMYs. No need to feel shy about it! It's an honour to be your inspiration.' I winked jokingly and patted her arm.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised that she was an army. I did truly love meeting fans, and her being one didn't affect anything. In fact, it probably made it easier for me to become friends with her...

Your P.O.V
My heart was beating so fast I felt like it would explode. I managed a smile and said 'That's sweet of you to say. Before I get all mushy and talk about how much you've changed my life I guess you probably should get going,'

'Whyyy, do you not want me here?' He joked.
'No no of course not, this is more your place than mine. I just assumed you were busy or something. You guys work really hard!'
'Actually I'm free the rest of the day, and I would love to carry on talking to you. I love making new friends.' He grinned at me.

Just as I was about to almost faint again at the fact that he wanted to carry on talking to me realisation hit me. I had plans to go out with Jihee!
'Oh shoot!' I suddenly stood up. The expression on Taehyung's face instantly grew worried, and he stood up too.
'What's wrong y/n?'
Hearing him say my name made my heart skip a beat.

' I completely forgot I had plans to go out with my best friend! I'm so sorry. Thank you for everything.'
I was just about to hug him when I remembered who he was.
'Awh that's fine! No problem. I'd love to be talk with you another time though.' He smiled again and I smiled at how much nicer it was to see him smile in real life, rather than on a screen. (Wow that's a lot of smiling) We ended up exchanging numbers and then we finally left BigHit.

Taehyung's P.O.V
We stood outside BigHit awkwardly, smiling (back at it with the smiling) at each other. Except not really because I could tell she was still really shy as she still hadn't looked me in the eye. I couldn't stand it anymore and before I even knew what I was doing I hugged her. 'That's for everything you've been through today.' I whispered, NOT in a seductive way. Just in a normal way. I laughed after I said it to make sure that it wasn't seductive at all....

Your P.O.V
It was the warmest most magical hug I had ever had. I felt so safe in his arms and I wished I could stay in them forever, talk to him all day and all night, get to know him properly. And it was after we broke away to say goodbye that it finally happened. I looked into those beautiful dark brown eyes and my legs turned to jelly. We made eye contact.

To be Continued ~

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