Nine. ~

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Your P.O.V
Almost two weeks had passed and I felt ready for anything after such a long period of doing nothing active. I had made some big changes over those two weeks. Firstly, I had called my boss at school and told him I had to leave my job.

It was sad to do and he also seemed sad when I told him the phone, saying that I was a great teacher, but I knew this job wasn't going to last forever now. I planned to collect all my stuff and clear up my office the next day.

Since making that call I felt very vulnerable, since I had no real source of income. But for now I had my salary from last month and my leaving salary to pay for everything right now. I was still working on how to make money after that ran out.

Our manager at BigHit said that soon we would start doing things to help us prepare for the future (debuting basically) , and we were gonna get paid a little for a few things. I was so excited! It made the idea of being in a girl group seem much more like reality.

I was also much closer to the girls now, and the second change I had made was moving into their dorm. I hadn't properly settled in yet and was still kinda spending a lot of time at BTS's place, but they were leaving for America in two days and I would be getting back to training, too.

I was going to share a room with Soo Yung. Ara, Yeseul and Jiyeon were sharing another room. Our dorm was pretty small, but that gave it a homely feel.

We were a sharing one bathroom and we had a living room that was joined to an open kitchen. Jihee cried when I told her the news but she then laughed it off and said how happy she was to have the place to herself. I was really going to miss my best friend.

I was also going to miss the boys while they were away. I actually really wanted to go with them and support them at a concert but I needed to get back to training. Especially since I needed to prepare for whatever 'activity' we would be doing.

BigHit was taking this 'New girl group' thing very seriously, which I was glad about. And about me and Tae. Well, I don't really know what happened. We kinda just went back to our normal selves. Always joking around and laughing together, with weird inside jokes that no one else understood.

Nothing 'romantic' really occurred. But still, whenever I looked into his eyes my legs turned weak and just wanted to hold him close to me and tell him how much I loved him. But I didn't say anything.

I sat in the corner of Jimin's room while he packed, busy doing errands on my phone. I was currently having a heated discussion with SooYung about what time we were going to turn off the lights before bed when I noticed a stripy black and white long sleeved  t-shirt lying limply on his bed.

It looked brand new and it was really nice. I actually thought it would probably suit me, even though it was men's clothing.
'Hey Jimin, you should bring that! It's really nice.' I pointed at it. He glanced over at it and laughed.

'That old thing? I haven't worn it in years!'
'Oh really! It looks brand new.'
Jimin shook his head, but instead of going back to packing he sat on the edge of his bed, facing me.

'How are things with Tae?' He asked. I was about to tell him to shut up but I realised that he was actually saying it very sincerely.
He took a deep breath.
'You know-you know he really likes you right? Like really likes you. You're all he talks about when you're not there.'

'Really?' I asked, starting to fiddle with my hands.
He pulled my hands apart and made me look at him.
'Yes. And I'm guessing you really like him too.'
'Well of course I do!'
'As more than just friends.' He said. I nodded in response.
He smiled. 'Why don't you like, confess or anything?'

'I just, haven't really thought about it, to be honest.' I answered, truthfully.
'Well, you should. Anyway, I'm sure something will happen between you too soon. Maybe just try making the first move.' He got up and went back to packing. I thought carefully about what he said.

'J-Jimin?' I called.
'Yes, y/n?' He looked back at me from his wardrobe.
'I t-think I love him.' I said, so quietly it was almost a whisper. Although in my head I knew for sure that I did.
'I know you do.' He grinned, and continued to pack in silence.

Finally, almost an hour later Jimin had finished packing ONE of his TWO suitcases, and I had finally sorted out all the rules of the room with SooYung. We sat just kinda chatting when Jimin suddenly got up.

'Why don't we go out for dinner together! We haven't done that in ages and we won't have a chance tomorrow because we have rehearsals tomorrow!'
I brightened up at the idea.
'YES THAT WOULD BE GREAT!' I almost shouted. 'Wait but I need to change my top.' I said, looking down at my old faded t-shirt I had just thrown on this morning.

Jimin picked up the stripy shirt I had eyed earlier which was still lying on his bed, and threw it at me.
'Wear this. In fact you can keep it. I think it would look great on you. And I don't use it anyway.'
'Really!? Are you sure?' I asked.
I hugged him and made him wait outside while I changed.

'Wow it does look great on you!' He smiled, gazing at me when I came outside.
'Thanks.' I said, and we made our way downstairs. The shirt was really comfortable and it smelt like Jimin which made it more comfy. I felt slightly wrong wearing his clothes but it's not like me and Tae were properly together anyway. We passed Yoongi in the hallway. I stopped.

'Hey Yoongi.' I walked over to give him a small hug. He seemed kinda down lately and I wanted to cheer him up.
'Hey, do you want to come out with us to eat?' I offered him.
He shook his head.
'I already ate.' He said. Yoongi gave me a quick smile before rushing up the stairs.

I sighed. I would have to talk about it to him later. Just as we opened the front door to leave, a loud voice behind us stopped us.
'I WILL COME!' Hobi shouted, running up and putting his arms around me and Jimin. We laughed and rolled our eyes.

And the three of us headed off to the restaurant.

To be continued ~

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