Twenty Five.~

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Tae just looked at the ground, not saying anything.

'You don't understand. You don't understand at all.' I began, holding in my tears.

'You don't understand how hard it is for me because I love you so much.'

Tae looked up at me.

'I love you more than anything in this entire universe, I would give up my whole career just for you. Everytime I think about you my heart hurts because I miss you so terribly much. But you're just throwing away our entire relationship, so easily, just because we've been busy?'

I waited for him to say something, but he just stared at me, a single tear falling from his eye.

Just then, Jungkook appeared. He stood there, shocked at the scene unfolding in front of him, an ice cream in each hand. He opened his mouth to speak but then shut it again, unsure of what to do.

'Come on Jungkook, let's go.' I said, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung.

Jungkook glanced at Tae; his fellow member, hyung and probably bestest friend; seeing if he would say anything to stop him from going with me. But Tae's eyes were fixed on mine.

Without further ado, Jungkook came forward, took my hand and started to drag me in the other direction.

Tae just stood glued to the spot; I could tell he was still looking at me from behind.

A part of me wished I had just wept and begged him to come back to me, but another part of me told me that I was doing the right thing. I had told him my true feelings, yet stayed strong at the same time.

I could hear Yeontan barking in the distance as we approached the exit of the park.

Jungkook was clearly slightly confused but didn't say anything. I was so so grateful to him for staying by me and being there for me.


1 week later

'Oh yeah, didn't you have an argument with your boyfriend or something? How did that go? And what's his name haha you never told me.' Jaemin suddenly asked.

We were meeting up in a cafe to hang out for a while (we had been talking and texting a lot recently) and I kinda knew this question was gonna pop up eventually.

'Not good. Umm I haven't spoken to him for a week? Ha ha...' I said uneasily.

'Oh god that must be really hard for you! But who is he? It's not a secret or anything is it?'

It was then that I decided to tell him everything. I trusted Jaemin and I really wanted to talk about it right then.

'I'm dating Kim Taehyung.' I whispered.

Jaemin's mouth fell open.

'No way. You're pranking me right?'

I shook my head.

'You're the first person I've told. Only our company staff and our family know. And of course our members and some of our best friends but that's it. I probably shouldn't even be telling you but I trust you and I want to talk to someone else about it so... yeah.' I explained.

Jaemin gently took my hand and squeezed it. My heart beat increased a little and I blushed.

'Stop being romantic with me.' I laughed.

Jaemin grinned and let go of my hand but brought his face further forwards.

'You know, if you two break up. You could always date me.'

I blushed more and looked down. He always joked around with me like this but sometimes it got the better of me.

'Nana!' I exclaimed. (I loved calling him by his nickname.)

'I'm just kidding, you're not my type anyway noona.'

I wanted to slap him. But it's true, he was a great distraction from everything.

'But wow that is truly shocking that you're dating him. How long have you guys been together?'

'Almost nine months now.'

'Ooh.' Jaemin oohed loudly and I glared at him this time.

He understood the message and looked at me sympathetically.

'Why don't you talk to him?' He asked me.

'I opened up my heart to him and told him how I was truly feeling. If he loves me back he'll talk to me, right?'

'Hmm...yeah. You're probably right. You know I literally bumped into Yoongi sunbaenim the other day and it reminded me of how you're friends with them. I did not expect this though.'

I chuckled.
'Yoongi used to have a crush on me.'

'Wow you're quite the woman, getting all the men, younger and older.'

I looked at him, astonished.

'Which 'man' younger than me has liked me?!'

He shook his head.

'Nevermind. Anyway, just leave it for a bit longer. And if you need him that desperately, go to him.'

'But I don't think he loves me anymore.'

'Who doesn't?' A deep voice behind us suddenly asked.

We whipped around to see Taehyung, staring at us, and awaiting my answer.

To be continued ~

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