Twelve. ~

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Your P.O.V
I stood anxiously at the airport with Jihee, waiting for the boys' arrival.

She had insisted to come with me, even though I'd said that I would be fine by myself. But she told me that she was friends with the boys too, and wanted to welcome them too. I didn't mind. She was my best friend, after all.

We looked on the flight trackings board and saw that their flight had arrived. They would be coming any minute. Of course, because they were BTS, they couldn't arrive just like that, as they would be surrounded by fans.

So they had many bodyguards to protect them and then they were going to meet us at the side entrance of another section of the airport that wasn't that busy. Suddenly, we heard screaming coming from the main airport.

'They're here.' I grinned. We knew it would take them a while to get to this part of the airport, and that they were coming in a taxi, and then we would jump in the taxi with them. We hadn't really planned what to do after that. Just go back to their dorm I guess?

They were probably knackered. We sat on the waiting chairs for another 10 minutes, I was so anxious to meet them. I was also so excited. I had bought so many welcome home presents over the past week, but I decided to leave those at the dorm and surprise them with those later, I didn't want to overwhelm them.

Just then Jihee tapped my shoulder and pointed excitedly.
I stood up and whooped. We jumped up and down and waved but the taxi windows were completely blacked out so we couldn't see them. I grabbed Jihee's arm.

'We're embarrassing ourselves.' I laughed. She giggled and stopped jumping and stood still beside me.

As the taxi approached closer and closer we heard screams from inside.
'WHOOOO! HEY GUYS!' Jungkook yelled. The others joined in the cheering and me and Jihee fell apart laughing. But then we heard a loud shush from inside the car and I remembered how we were in public and they could still be heard or seen by fans.

Soon the car was only a few metres away and my heart pace started to increase. I couldn't wait to see all them, but just the thought of seeing Tae again made me feel light-headed. Finally, the taxi was here, right in front of us. Hobi was the first one out of the car and he clobbered me in a hug, and I almost fell over with the impact.

'I missed you too.' I laughed, breaking apart after a few seconds. Namjoon shook my hand and I quickly embraced him in a kind of side hug. Jin hugged me and again I almost fell over.

'Jesus guys, let her speak!' Jungkook said, and I laughed. I high- fived him. I didn't expect him to hug me. Although he was the maknae, he liked to act 'tough' around me. But just as a I turned around to hug Jimin (a lot of hugging, I know), I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.

I turned around to see who it was, and Jungkook quickly let go, blushing. 'Aww Kookieeee.' He hated when I called him that.
'I kinda missed you to be honest.' He admitted.
'I know you did.' I smiled. And then I saw Yoongi, and I almost cried with joy. I had probably missed him the most, aside from Tae.

He generally didn't like touching but I knew that he wouldn't mind a hug from me.
I could almost see the smile on his face in my head when I wrapped my arms around him. Neither of us said a word. We didn't need to. Finally, we pulled apart. But I couldn't see Tae.

And just before I asked where he was, the boys stepped apart to reveal him. He stood there, smiling his beautiful smile, his eyes covered with a pair of sunglasses and his hair messy underneath a cap. He wore a plain short-sleeved white shirt and black jeans, and he looked really cold. I guessed that he had gotten used to America's heat, but then I saw a long brown coat in his arms. Why wasn't he wearing it? I wondered. The other members were all wearing thick coats and jackets.

We kinda just stood there smiling at each other. I was blushing like mad and I felt like I was turning into a tomato, but Tae seemed to be completely confident and not nervous at all.
'We'll let you guys greet each other in private.' Jihee said, backing away with the boys.

'N-no it's fine.' I stuttered. I didn't look away from Tae's gaze. He hadn't stopped smiling since he'd seen me. Before I knew the boys and Jihee and clambered back inside the Taxi and shut the door. I could hear them talking inside, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It was then that Taehyung started walked slowly towards me.

He also proceeded to remove his sunglasses and put them into his pocket.
'Are you nervous?'
He spoke with each step, not giving me a chance to talk.
'I'm not. Why should I be nervous when I'm seeing my girlfriend.' He winked teasingly.

My legs turned to jelly.
'How had I gotten Kim Taehyung to be my boyfriend? I must be the luckiest girl on the planet.' I thought.
It was then I realised that Tae was so close to me our faces were only inches apart. I looked into his eyes and I wanted to die right there.

He smiled an adorable puppy smile and held his arms open as if waiting for me to hug him.
'I missed you.' He said, his arms still open wide. And before he could say anything else I tackled him into a huge bear hug and said 'I missed you too'.

I felt him stroke my hair gently, and in that moment, in his arms, I felt so happy I could scream. I don't think I had quite realised how much my heart had ached for him while he was gone.

To be continued ~

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