Seven. ~

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Taehyung's P.O.V
'I-I love you too.' I replied. But was this friendship love or love love? I was confused. I already knew she loved me as a friend, and also as a member of BTS, since she had been an army since childhood. But what felt different now? I broke away from the hug and put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

'It's gonna take you a while to recover, probably a week of doing absolutely nothing. And during that time you can sort out a new schedule. And I'll be here with you every minute.' I smiled.

She nodded but said 'I appreciate it Tae but you're not going to do that, you're going on tour in two weeks and I'm sure you have a lot to do. Jihee can probably take care of me.'

Your P.O.V
I slowly started to get up to leave but I didn't have the energy.
'Woah you're going nowhere. In fact, why don't you live here! For now, anyway. It's closer to BigHit too!' Tae suggested, grinning suddenly.
I stared at him in shock.

'Are you crazy! I am not invading your guys private home that you paid for with your hard earned money!'
He interrupted me.
'Ok we will talk about it later,but now I can clearly see that all you want to do is sleep. Probably for the next 24 hours.'

And before I could protest, he lifted me off the sofa and carried me up the stairs to his room. He looked straight ahead as he walked up the stairs, a very serious expression on his face. I missed his smile. I was so tired I just wanted to sleep right there,but I couldn't stop staring at his face. Everything about it was perfect. But then I realised how serious and adorable he looked and burst out laughing. He looked down at me in surprise and almost dropped me. We were now in the hallway, only a few metres away from his room.

I couldn't stop laughing at his face and he starting giggling too,that gorgeous rectangular smile that I missed every second.

'Okay Tae I think I can walk now.' I chuckled but he wasn't going to let me off that easy. He held on tightly to my jumper and did some aegyo which he knew was my soft spot.

'FUCK YOU KIM TAEHYUNG.' I shouted, struggling in his arms.
He raised his eyebrows and made that meme face he always makes and I realised what I had said.

(This face)"not literally

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(This face)
"not literally.' I slapped his arm and it was then that we realised how loud we were being and the door to Namjoon's room opened.

'What are you guys doing!?' He shouted, pulling his headphones off and staring at us.

'HYUNG y/n FAINTED! She's very ill and tired from overworking herself and she needs rest. I was just carrying her to my room. WAIT YOU WERE HERE ALL ALONG AND YOU NEVER KNEW SHE FAINTED OR ANYTHING.' Taehyung yelled. I covered my ears.

Yelling was very loud when he was carrying me.

'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! No one told me and I was listening to music so I didn't hear anything until you came upstairs.' Namjoon looked genuinely worried then and felt my forehead.

'I'll let you rest now but call me if you need anything. But I don't understand how you were laughing so much.' He grinned, shaking his head at Taehyung.

Tae rolled his eyes. ' OkAy ByE Hyung.'
He said, and I don't know what happened next because I fell asleep right there in his arms in the hallway.

But I do remember my last thought before I passed out(fell asleep). I was so in love with Kim Taehyung that I wanted to marry him right there and then.

Taehyung's P.O.V
Just as I was about to turn away from Namjoon I realised that y/n had been silent for a while and looked down to see that she was fast asleep. 

'Aww.' I mouthed to NamJoon.
He sighed and chuckled.
'Let me know if she needs anything.'
'She only needs me.' I grinned mischievously, before walking to my door and opening it. And just because I knew he would be worried I turned around to say something to Namjoon, but he patted my shoulder before I could get the words out and said exactly what I wanted to say.
'She'll be fine.'


I layed her carefully on my bed and covered her with my duvet and closed the curtains. I could tell she would be asleep for a while. Quietly, I slipped her phone out of her pocket and typed a text to Jihee.

Hey, this is Taehyung. Y/n fainted and she's very ill and tired and overworked. Don't worry she is sleeping now and taking rest, don't come here now because she needs to be left alone. I will take care of her. Come here tomorrow to visit if you like.

Almost a second later I got a very angry and long reply from her.


And it went on and on. I was about to respond when I realised that I myself was very exhausted.I knew Jihee cared about y/n but right now I couldn't deal with her. I eyed the empty spot on my bed next to y/n , who was fast asleep. 'I might as well take a nap too.' I didn't bother lifting up the duvet and just layed down next to her. THERE WAS NO WHERE ELSE TO SLEEP OKAY!

Apart from the couch, but that was downstairs, and I needed to be near her just in case she needed something. I was so tired from all the stress and meeting Hyungsik Hyung this morning. I yawned, almost dozing off already. But before I fell asleep I wanted to do something. I turned around to face y/n and stared at her.

'So this is what love feels like.' I sighed. I had never felt this feeling before. I just wanted to hold her and be with her for the rest of my life. I looked down at her cold petite hand, lying limply on the bed beside me. I reached over to it, gently wrapped my hand around it and held it. And before I knew it, I was asleep.

~To be continued

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