Twenty Two.~

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Jaemin's mouth fell wide open and he even dropped his spoon.

'Yo-you're older than me!?' He stuttered in amazement.

I laughed and nodded.

'I didn't say anything before because it would be strange if I suddenly said I was older than you .... but .... I'm actually your noona.' I said.

His face went bright red and he looked down at his almost empty bowl of cereal.

'I'm sorry for speaking to you informally ... n-noona.' He apologised.

I had been speaking to him formally the whole time because he was my sunbaenim but he hadn't bothered with any formalities as he had thought that he was older than me.

We stared at each other for minute and then burst out laughing.

'Well ... thank you so much for taking care of me, Jaemin.' I said, wiping my tears of laughter.

Author's note: he calls you noona from now on and speaks formally to you as you are two-three years older than him.

'Oh, no problem! It's been great to make a new friend.' He smiled, getting up and putting our bowls in the sink.

Jaemin was honestly so nice and I already felt really close to him, which cheered me up a lot. But Taehyung was constantly at the back my of mind. I couldn't forget about the man I loved.

I had told Jaemin a lot about me, including the fact that I had had an 'argument with my boyfriend', but I hadn't mentioned who that boyfriend was. Although I did tell him that I was a trainee for BigHit and was close friends with all the members of BTS. He was pretty amazed when I told him that.

'So, what now.' He asked, sitting back down.

I shrugged my shoulders and was about to ask him if he had anything scheduled today when the door opened.

'Oh Jaeminnnn.'

We whipped our heads around to see Donghyuck smiling mischievously as he walked into the room. This day was just getting better and better.

He bowed politely to me and I grinned and bowed back. Jaemin looked slightly irritated and worried about what Donghyuck was gonna say.

'Getting a girl I see.'

He patted Jaemin's shoulder very hardly; Jaemin looking mortified. He coughed, glared at Donghyuck and moved his hand from his shoulder.

'Ah hyunggg can you leaveee.'

Donghyuck ignored him and turned around to face me and smiled again. He put out his hand for me to shake it and said:

'Hi, my name is Donghyuck. Nice to meet you.'

I smiled back and shook his hand.

'My name is y/n. I'm a big fan of you guys.' I said, while blushing.

'Oh, really! I love meeting fans. Who's your bias. It's me right.' He winked.

'Umm yeah surE totally.' I laughed.

Jaemin cleared his throat from behind us.

'Hyung, she's older than you.'

Donghyuck's eyes went wide just like Jaemin's had not too long ago.

'I am so sorry, noona!' He laughed and apologised.

'It's fine it's fine, don't worry.' I chuckled.

'Well anyway, I better be going, don't want to interrupt anything between you too. See you around, y/n.'
He winked at Jaemin exaggeratedly and was about to leave when Jaemin stopped him.

'She has a boyfriend, hyung.'

Donghyuck turned around and apologised to me yet again, before sitting down at the table with us.

'Well you wouldn't mind if I joined you then? We all have no schedule today so I've got nothing better to do.'

'Oh yeah sure, I think i'm free too- ' I couldn't finished my sentence as there was a sudden loud buzzing sound from my purse.

I hastily apologized and took my phone out into the hallway to check who was calling.

I glanced at my phone and was shocked to see the caller ID: 'Yoongi'.

'Should I answer?' I thought. He was probably calling me to check on whether I was okay and also to ask about last night.

Shaking my head, I declined the call and stuffed my phone back into my pocket. Jaemin and Donghyuck were waiting for me.

Re-entering the living room, I smiled at them and sat back down.

'Nothing important?' Jaemin asked me.

'Nope. Anyway, what were you guys saying?'

'So we were thinking - ' Just as Donghyuck opened his mouth to speak, my phone started buzzing again.

I sighed, apologised and took my phone out. It was Sooyung this time. She was probably wondering why I wasn't back at our dorm yet.

'I'm sorry guys, I need to take this one.'

'Oh don't worry, go ahead.' They said in unision.

I hurried back into the hallway outside and picked up.

'Hello? Unnie?'

'Y/n?! Where are you? Why aren't you home yet anyway?' She asked.

'Oh I'm so sorry I forgot to message you. It's a long story.'

'What happened?' She sounded worried and I felt guilty.

'Well basically me and Tae kind of had an argument.' I said quietly into the phone. My voice kinda cracked as I said the truth out loud for the second time.

'WAIT WHAT!?' She yelled so loudly I was worried that Jaemin and Donghyuck heard it.


'Calm down, I'm fine unnie.' I took a deep breath. 'I bumped into Na Jaemin from NCT and he has been very kind to me and has taken good care of me. I'm just hanging out with him and another member right now, I will explain everything properly later I promise.'

'Okay.. Just know that all four of us ( Author's note: I changed it so that there are four other members, Sooyung, Ara, Yeseul and Jiyeon. Sooyung is the leader/oldest. You are the second oldest.) are always here for you and we can talk when you're ready. Take care. I love you.' Sooyung said softly.

'I love you too.'

I hung up and went back to Jaemin and Donghyuck yet again as we planned what to do for the rest of the day.

I appreciated the girls. A lot. I appreciated the BTS members, I appreciated Jaemin and Donghyuck too. I had a lot of people that cared for me. But right now I really needed Tae. More than anything. I was so scared that I had lost him for good. And all for nothing. Just a stupid argument.

To be continued ~

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