Six. ~

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Yoongi's P.O.V
I had liked y/n from the moment Taehyung first introduced me to her. But I also knew that they were meant from each other from the moment I first saw them look at each other. And, yes, it did hurt.

But I cared for both of them and knew that I just had to ignore my feelings. I was getting over it pretty well. Me and y/n were great friends and I loved the connection we had. I was happy just being her friend and being there for her. But recently, I was worried.

She looked so exhausted every time I saw her I was scared she was going to faint. I knew she was overworking herself and that she honestly needed to quit her job and also probably move into a dorm, but I hadn't even had the chance to talk to her, she was so busy. I sighed, fiddling with my phone case.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I could tell that Taehyung and the other members were worried too. We wanted to spend more time with her, even if it was just relaxing and talking, especially since we had a free period for a while as we had finished promotions for our latest comeback. Things were starting to get busy as we began preparing for our next comeback, and we were set to go abroad in two weeks to the USA, for a mini tour and a possible collaboration.

I didn't want to leave her, not like this. I didn't even care about spending time with her, I just wanted her to be safe and healthy. I opened up Spotify on my phone to play some music but just as I grabbed my earphones the door opened. It was y/n. She looked very very pale with huge bags under her eyes and a slight green tint to her face. I got up in horror and rushed over to her.

'Hey Yoongi.' She smiled weakly. ' I'm knackered and your place is a lot closer to BigHit than mine, dya mind if I stay around.'

'Stay around!' I exclaimed 'Y/N, you look severely unwell! You need to rest and go to the doctors!' I started to drag her across to the sofa when she let go of my arm and started to close her eyes.
'N-No I'm fine...'she said, before collapsing back into my arms. Shit. She fainted.

Taehyung's P.O.V
I was out with Hyungsik (Author's note: Park Hyungsik played one of the main characters in Hwarang, the drama that Tae acted in. Tae and Hyungsik are now close friends.),catching up over a cup of coffee, when my phone suddenly buzzed.

Yoongi Hyung:
Y/N fainted. Come over as quickly as you can.

I spat out my coffee in horror. Hyungsik put down his coffee and looked worriedly at me.
'What is it?!'
'Y/N FAINTED!' I grabbed my stuff, about to leave.
'Who's y/n!?' He cried in confusion.
'I'm so sorry Hyung I'll explain it all later. But this really is an emergency and I need to go straight away. Catch up another time?' I said apologetically.

He smiled understandingly although he was still clearly confused.
I felt so bad that I grabbed his hand and said.
'You know what just come with me.'
And I left the coffee shop,a very confused Park Hyungsik following me.

Yoongi's P.O.V
I texted Tae straight away because I knew that would be the right thing to do. Y/n was laid next to me on the couch and I put my wrist worriedly on her forehead. Freezing cold. She looked so lifeless I wanted to cry. I wrapped a blanket around her and sighed.

Grabbing my phone I texted my private doctor to see if he could check her out. Unfortunately, I remembered that he didn't work on weekends.
10 minutes later and Taehyung still hadn't arrived. What was taking him so long!?

Taehyung's P.O.V
I hate traffic. So much.

Yoongi's P.O.V
What could I do? Taehyung still hadn't arrived and the only thing either of us could really do was wait till she woke up. I didn't want to wake her up with force. She deserved a good rest, anyway. As I stared at her white face a horrible thought crept into my mind, and I immediately checked her pulse.

Phew. She was still breathing. But her skin was almost icy to touch. In fact, I was almost afraid of her freezing to death! Suddenly, an idea came to me. I couldn't believe I was about to do this, but it was the only thing I could do. Firstly, I took off my hoodie and laid it on her (don't worry I was wearing a shirt underneath), for extra warmth. And then, I gently lifted up the blanket, and laid down next to her. Taehyung was going to kill me.

10 minutes later, just as I was about to doze off, I heard heavy breathing beside me. She was snoring. She was sleeping. I sat up with relief and at that second the door opened so furiously it almost flew off its hinges.

Taehyung's P.O.V
It took so long to get back to the dorm, that Hyungsik had to go to attend his own business, but he was kind enough to stay with me until we arrived. I waved goodbye to him before rushing to our front door and slamming the key into the keyhole.

'Y/N!' I cried, before I even stepped inside.
'SHHHHHHH!' Yoongi shushed me loudly. 'She's sleeping!'
'Wha- But I thought she fainted!?' I whispered, taking off my jacket and walking over to the couch where he sat beside her.

'She did but then she fell asleep. Stay with her but don't wake her up, she deserves some rest.'
She looked so ill I wanted to cry. Yet she still looked beautiful. I eyed her hands and noticed how close her left hand was to Yoongi's, in fact, they were touching. Were they holding hands? Yoongi quickly brought his hand back as he saw my eyes and ruffled his hair.

'She's worked herself over her own limits, she needs a long break and she should probably see a doctor.' He said sadly.
'Definitely,Hyung. We need to talk to her about...about I guess, sorting out her life?'
Yoongi nodded in agreement.

He got up awkwardly and gestured for me to sit down. I smiled at his understanding and he left the room.

Yoongi's P.O.V
As I looked back at Taehyung sitting with y/n all I saw was love in his eyes. When was he going to confess? I hoped he did so soon. I knew y/n would be over the moon when he did. I sighed. Getting over her was harder than I thought...

Taehyung's P.O.V
I sat holding y/n's cold hand, wanting to hold it forever. I was going crazy, every time I saw her my heart felt like it would burst. I wished she felt the same about me, but I wasn't entirely sure. I just wanted to tell her.

But now she was sick. And it was partly my fault for not talking to her about and helping her sort out her schedule. But I'd been pretty busy too. Why was life so hard!? A single tear rolled down my cheek and landed on y/n's hand. Her hand jerked a little, and she slowly opened her eyes.

'Don't cry Tae.' She said, her eyes tearing up. She weakly lifted up her arm to wipe my cheek but I stopped her.
'I'm fine. More importantly, how do you feel?'
I saw then that more tears were flowing from her eyes and gasped, stroking her hand to comfort her.
'Don't cry! I know you feel horrible but we'll get you better soon!' I consoled, trying my best to smile.
'T-That's not why I'm crying. I'm crying because you're crying.' She wept.
That just made me cry more and I laughed through my tears at my obvious lying.
'Stop crying. It will make you feel worse.'

I wiped my tears to show her that I would stop too. She sniffled in response and looked away from me.
'Y/n, we need to sort this out. You can't do this to yourself! You have to at least quit your job and move to a dorm if you want to continue training and stay healthy!' I said seriously.

She nodded 'I know. I know. I guess I was just pushing it away and forcing myself to cope. But, how will I make money!' She exclaimed, looking up at me again.

'You'll find a way, I'm sure! Look, we're always here for you and-'
'You're not giving me money, Taehyung!' She cut me off.
'That's not what I'm trying to say! Look, you need to listen to me, I can't let you live like this! I highly doubt your parents want you to live like this, either! You need to trust me.'

She nodded, finally understanding what I was saying, but I could tell she was very close to tears.
I sighed, gently sat her up and hugged her.

Your P.O.V
His embrace was so comforting, I already felt much better. And before I knew what I was saying I blurted out three words that I had wanted to say for a long long time.
'Yes,y/n?' He asked, while we were still hugging.
I layed my head on his shoulder and whispered, ok no that sounds too seductive, I said
'I love you.'

To be continued ~

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