Eight. ~

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Your P.O.V
I woke up in darkness, not knowing where I was. The last thing I remembered was Tae carrying me in the hallway. I was about to lift my arms to yawn and open my eyes but I realised something was wrapped firmly around my hand.

It was warm and comforting. It was a hand. But whose hand? Gulping, I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the darkness. Next to me was Kim Taehyung, firmly holding my hand and fast asleep. My heart pace quickened.

What was he doing? Where were we? I then also realised that we were on his bed. Dirty thoughts ran through my mind but phew, we were both fully clothed and he wasn't even under the blanket. He probably put me to sleep and decided to sleep too. He must have been tired. I had a lump stuck in my throat and tears stung the corners of my eyes.

I tried to let go of his hand but at the same time I didn't want to, so I just let it be. I tried to calm down and go to sleep but any trace of sleep disappeared. So I just looked at him. My eyes crept over every inch of his face, taking in all of his beauty. I started to cry. I remembered all the memories from when I was an ARMY, from when we first met, to when we became friends, to now. He meant so much to me. And here we was, lying next to me, holding my hand. I lifted up my other hand and wiped the tears of my face, and turned around to face away from Tae. But just as I did that, he unconsciously lifted his other arm up and PUT IT AROUND ME. I thought I was going to faint. And that's when I thought maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

So I forced myself back into my deep sleep, Taehyung's arm around me, holding his hand. And honestly, I wanted to stay like that forever.

Your P.O.V
I woke up AGAIN, this time to knocking on the door and a voice outside. It was Jungkook .

Wait but why was Jungkook in my house! And why was he calling Taehyung? Then everything came back to me in a flash.

And yes, I was still holding his hand, although his arm wasn't on me anymore. I heard a loud yawn beside me and I freaked out. So I pretended to still be asleep. But then Taehyung said sleepily beside me
'Morning, y/n.'

I bit my lip. I felt so awkward.
Jungkook was still banging on the door so Tae finally replied.

I slowly turned around to face him, because I honestly had no other choice.

He grinned at me devilishly. I raised my eyebrows. He chuckled and said
'We slept together O Ho Hoooooo.' I hit him with my free hand.
'We did NOT do that. We slept NEXT to each other.'
'If you say so.' He winked, winding me up. 'How are you feeling?' His face turned serious.

'Not too bad actually.'
'Good. You're going to stay here and rest all day. And I'm going to stay with you. After I explain everything to Jungkook.'
'But don't you have a schedule?'
He didn't reply and just stared at me and I suddenly felt self-conscious.
'Sorry, I know I must look like a mess right now.' I blushed.
'Nah, you look beautiful.' He winked playfully, but then put on a serious face and stroked my head.

I almost died and started to get up to to save my embarrassment but he pulled me back down. We were STILL holding hands.
'To answer your question, no I don't, otherwise Jungkook or someone would have woken me up earlier. I guess it's your lucky day.'

That's when we both remembered Jungkook, who hit the door at that exact moment.
'I'M COMING.' Tae rolled his eyes, smiled at me and finally let go of my hand. My hand was sweaty and crampy from staying in the same position but I wanted to hold his hand for even longer .

He hopped off his bed, and opened the door. I quickly sat up and flattened down my hair. Jungkook came in and gazed around the room.
'Woah. What have you two been doing.' He said, a cheeky smile spreading over his face.
Taehyung hit him on the head.

'ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Well we were sleeping. Because y/n is very ill and tired. And I was pretty exhausted too. So I ended up falling asleep next to her. NOTHING MORE!' He explained.
'Sure.' Jungkook grinned, before walking over to me.

'How are you feeling?' He sat on the edge of the bed.
'A lot better thank you. I think I'm going to take a week of rest and then I guess sort out everything so that I don't overwork myself.' I said.
'Good. It's about time! Anyway, you're free to stay here for the week if you'd like, none of us would mind. And at least one of us should be home every day to take care of you. Its Tae
Hyung's lucky day today.' He smirked at him.

'I'm busy though and so are the rest of us. But call me if you need anything.' He hugged me and I felt so happy. I was so lucky to have them. He winked at Taehyung who scowled at him before they both laughed. I shook my head in disbelief. Boys.

We sat on the sofa, watching Hwarang together. It was almost 6pm. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night.
'Taeeee' I whined.
'Yesssss. Oh look, it's my part!' He said excitedly, pointing to Hansung on the screen.
'I know Tae, I love Hwarang and I've watched it about 10 million times.' I laughed. 'But seriously.' I pouted to make him look at me.

'What's the matter?'
'I can't stop thinking about last night.'
He grinned. 'Oooohhhh me too.' He joked. I slapped his arm.
'No seriously!' I whined. I took a deep breath.

'Why..why were you holding my hand?' I asked, looking away awkwardly.
I looked up to see that Tae's cheeks were bright red. He looked so adorable.
'Because I like you okay.' He suddenly took my hands in his and looked at me directly. I almost choked.
For a few seconds we just looked at each other and I waited for him to continue, but he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

We broke away and I looked at him, confused. He sighed before smiling at me and putting an arm on me.
'Let's just continue watching this, okay?'
I was frustrated. Why couldn't he properly answer me.
'Tae seriously-'
He cut me off by linking his hand with mine.
'If I hold your hand, it doesn't need an explanation.'
~ To be continued

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