Seventeen. ~

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I froze in the corridor and looked behind me to see Taehyung tightly holding my wrist and eyeing me and JinJin suspiciously.

'Oh! Tae..hyung! Umm no not yet, me and Jinwoo are going to get some now!' I said awkwardly, pulling my wrist out of his grip. JinJin looked slightly confused at my sudden awkwardness and just smiled and nodded to acknowledge Tae.

'Hello, Taehyung Sunbaenim.' He said, bowing.

Tae bowed back, still a little flustered and puzzled at what was going on.

'I went to Astro's dressing room to ask if we could borrow some of their water, because that's what the staff outside said to do. But they ran out of water too, so Jinwoo sunbaenim kindly offered to accompany me to get some water.' I explained. (Author's note - you have been calling JinJin sunbaenim the whole time)

'Oh I see! Well you two carry on, but you're needed soon so hurry back.' Taehyung coughed awkwardly before hurrying inside Bangtan's dressing room.

As we approached the bottles of water in the supplies cupboard in silence, JinJin suddenly said in a soft voice:

'I don't want to intrude in anything, but is everything okay between you and Taehyung? It seemed a little awkward between you earlier.'

I looked up and made eye contact with Jinwoo, and suddenly felt like I trusted him with everything. His concerned facial expression filled with care just reminded me of all my memories as an Aroha, and it reminded me how much I loved him as an idol. But I had to think of my boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, who I loved more than anyone else in the world. I couldn't just tell Jinwoo about our relationship without consulting him first.

'Oh no it's nothing. Thanks for asking though.' I replied, smiling widely. 'I should probably get back now.'

'Oh yeah, me too. But it was really lovely meeting you y/n! I hope we can meet again soon. I wish BTS the best of luck for the awards!' JinJin bowed politely and I bowed back.

'Thank you very much, I wish you guys good luck too!'

And with that, we waved goodbye to each other and made our way back to our seperate dressing rooms.


An hour later and I was sitting in the audience with the rest of BTS and the BigHit crew, surrounded by many other idol groups. Currently, Got7 were performing their new song and then the awards were to be announced. I spotted JinJin sitting with the rest of Astro a few tables away and he grinned and waved at me. I waved eagerly back, fangirling a little inside.

'Hey, y/n,' Taehyung suddenly whispered next to me.

'What's wrong Tae?'

'Is everything okay with Jinwoo? He didn't suspect anything did he?'

'What? Umm, not really. He was really nice to me earlier.'

'Oh okay. I'm sorry for acting so awkwardly and strangely, I guess I just didn't expect anyone to be there expect you and I was generally nervous because of the awards.'

'Aww Tae, it's totally understandable, don't worry. But I'm gonna be honest with you, he did ask if things were okay between us. He sensed that things were awkward and I know that Jinwoo has a very caring personality, so he couldn't help asking.'

'Wait, why didn't you tell me this earlier!?' Taehyung looked a little surprised and I almost held his hands to calm him, but I then remembered how we were in public.

'I promise I wasn't going to lie to you, I just didn't want to make you stress out now. Let's talk about this later okay? We have an award to win right now.' I smiled at him.

The shock in his face slowly disappeared and he grinned back at me.

'Good luck guys!' I whispered loudly to all of Bangtan, as Got7's song finished up and the hosts walked up to the stage. It felt so weird not being able to freely hold Tae's hand or kiss him on the cheek, but I guessed I was gonna have to get used to it.

Before we knew it, the first award, which was for the Best Album, was being announced. Everyone eagerly stared at host, waiting to hear who won the award.

BTS quickly did a little chant to cheer themselves on, and I heard many another groups do one beside us.

'And the award of Best Album goes to-'

To be continued ~

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