Thirteen. ~

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One month later and everything was ready was for me and the girls to 'debut' as BigHit trainees. We were releasing the advert/mini mv in two days, and guess what. We were holding a showcase for people to get to know us and BTS WERE HOSTING IT WITH IS!

I couldn't contain my anxiety or my excitement. But for now I had other things to occupy me. Tae. He insisted that we had a day all to ourselves where the only thing we had was each other's company. It seemed like a wonderful idea but my first thought was 'How are we supposed to do that when we both have many other roommates.'

But it turned it was the perfect day because everyone was busy ( members of bts ).

When I woke up in the morning the next day, I immediately got ready, said bye to the girls, and left for Bts' dorm.
That's what Tae had STRICTLY instructed me to do.

But to my surprise, no one was there to welcome me when I unlocked the front door with the spare key Tae had given me. I rolled my eyes.

'Taeeeeee?!' I called out, taking my jacket and shoes off.
No response.
'IT'S ME!' I yelled a bit louder, after putting my stuff down on the couch. Still no response. Maybe he was going to scare me?

But it didn't even seem like he was in this floor of the apartment. Sighing, I heaved up the stairs. As I approached the hallway with his and Namjoon's rooms I thought 'He's probably in his room. But what could he be doing?'

Quiet as a mouse, I slowly turned the doorknob and the door creaked open.I peeked through the crack and was astonished to find him ASLEEP! Well at least I thought he was. He was kinda sprawled on top of the duvet, facing away from me, wearing pyjama shorts and a loose shirt. I was kinda scared of him. WHAT IF HE JUST JUMPED AT ME!?

Taking a deep breath, I crept towards his bed. My mind flash backed to when I'd slept here with him, and my heart beat quickened. He looked so cute, even though I could only see the back of his head. Within seconds I was only a foot away from the bed.

I was just about to stand on my tiptoes and peer over to check if he was sleeping when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I almost shrieked in shock but then he pulled me over him and I landed facing him, next to him on the bed.

"TAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?' I was still in shock.
He grinned at me.
'Oh, didn't expect to see you here, babe.'
He said babe in the cutest English accent and I almost burst out laughing but I stopped myself.

'PLEASE don't do that again.' I started to push myself back up but he pulled me back down. I started to feel flustered, and avoided eye contact when I spoke.
'I- I thought you were asleep.' I stuttered.
'I was but your magical presence woke me up.' He stared at me seductively, in a way so that I couldn't avoid his eyes anymore.

Then he went back to cute TaeTae and laughed adorably at my innocence. But cute TaeTae didn't last very long.
He lifted up his right arm and put it around my waist, and pulled me close to him so that our faces were only an inch apart. It took my breath away and I gazed into those deep brown pools of chocolate that I was slowly melting into.

'Are you nervous?' He whispered.
'No, no I just-.' I took a deep breath.
'I just didn't expect that.' I smiled at him. But every time I looked at him I did feel nervous. I did feel scared. Of losing him.
He used his left hand to raise my chin and make me look at him, as his right hand was still supporting my back.

'You know I love you, right?' He smiled a genuine smile, not that his other smiles weren't genuine, but this felt like a proper Kim Taehyung smile.

'I love you too.' I muttered, before nuzzling my head into his neck out of slight embarrassment.

He didn't say anything, but turned me around to face the other direction and put his arms around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and his right arm was wrapped protectively but comfortably around my waist, his hand resting on my stomach.

Two minutes passed in silence and I dreamed of the future. I hoped that one day we could have our own apartment together. That would be a lot of fun. But I snapped back to present time when I realised why I was here in the first place.

'Aren't we gonna go out?'
'Oh yeah.' He giggled.

To be continued ~

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