Twenty Three.~

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I was walking home happily, after a fun day out with Jaemin and Donghyuck. They had really cheered me up a lot.

And now it was time to get some sleep, preparing for a long day of training the next day.

Just as I approached the block of flats that my dorm was situated near, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve.

I turned around and saw a hooded figure standing behind me, limply clutching my sleeve. He slowly looked up at me and revealed the face of none other than our beautiful golden maknae, Jeon Jeongguk.

'Y/n?' he said. 'Why are you not picking up or replying to any of us? Do you know how worried we've been?' He just stared at me, waiting for me to answer.


I felt two strong arms abrubtly wrap around me. Jungkook nuzzled his hooded head into my neck.

'I missed you.'

At first I stood still in shock, but slowly lifted up my arms to hug him back. Me and Jungkook were the same age and other than Tae I probably spent the most time with him out of all the members. He was most likely my bestest friend after Jihee. I had missed him more than I'd thought, and this suddenly reminded me of Tae. I started sobbing into Jungkook's shoulder.

'I'm sorry.' He said softly.

'For what?'I said through choked tears.

'For you having to go through this. I know how much you love him.'

This made me cry even more.

'I haven't even looked at my phone properly. I know that you guys have probably called me one hundred times but I have a feeling Tae hasn't even left a single text.' I wept.

He pulled out of the hug and looked at me, still holding my shoulders. I wiped my wet cheeks.

'I really don't know what's up with him. I don't know what properly happened between you too but there was no need for him to get so mad in the first place. I'm so angry at him honestly. Now he's just ignoring you and I'm pretty sure he's the one who's supposed to apologize first.'

I gasped and looked up at him.

'Please please don't be mad at him. Don't do anything. He can take his time.' I begged.

'Can you tell me what he said? Please?' Jungkook looked at me with pleading eyes.

I trusted him. But I didn't want to say it out loud.

'H-he said. That we needed space.' I started sobbing more and Jungkook hugged me again.

'I don't know what the hell he was thinking. I know how much he loves you, Taehyung has never loved anyone as much as he loves you. Trust me, I know him better than anyone. Something must be up.'

'Maybe he just doesn't love me anymore. Maybe I did something wrong or maybe he got bored of me. Maybe he's found someone new.' All of these sounded so unreal but I felt so depressed just thinking about them.

Jungkook pulled out of the hug.

'Don't you ever say things like that. He loves you with all of his heart and he always will. This is just your first stupid argument. Every couple goes through them. Now let's go.'

'Go where?' I asked, curiously.

'We can spend some time together, just the two of us. We never get to do that and it will help distract you.'

'Oh Kookie I'd love to but I'm so tired and I have training tomorrow. Another time?' I smiled at him apologetically.

He nodded and gave me a quick hug before turning to leave.

'Oh and Jungkook?'

He turned around. 'Hmm?'

I looked at the ground sheepishly.

'T-tae...he's okay though, right? He's not too sad or tired or unwell or anything?'

Jungkook shook his head and sighed.

'God, you love him too much.'

To be continued ~

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