Twenty Nine.~

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Taehyung and I had eaten lunch together but unfortunately after that we both had had a very long day practicing/training.

It was late at night.

I got back to Bangtan's dorm, completely exhausted, and flopped face first onto Tae's bed. He had gotten home a bit earlier than I had; and I could hear him in the shower (he has a bathroom attached to his room).

I quickly changed into my spare pyjama set that was at the bottom of Taehyung's wardrobe, and dumped all of my stuff in a pile in the corner of his room. I then just lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for him to come and sleep with me. I couldn't even be asked to shower; I had freshened up in the bathroom at BigHit before leaving and that was probably enough.

My eyes were starting to close and I was struggling to keep them open. After a few minutes I couldn't stand it anymore and I just shut my eyes, but before I could doze off, I heard the sound of a door opening.

Slowly opening both eyes, I looked to the other side of the room to see Taehyung wrapped in a white robe, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.

'Hey there.' He grinned at me and I smiled back tiredly at him.

I rolled over on the bed and whined into the bedsheets:

'Please hurry up, I'm so tireddd.'

'I never said you had to wait for me.' He laughed, taking off his robe to reveal his bare chest and a pair of comfy shorts.

He looked really good, with his toned body and damp messy hair, and I couldn't help but stare, feeling myself become slightly more awake. I mean, he is my boyfriend after all; it's not like it's a crime to look.

He tutted at my obvious staring while grabbing a shirt from his wardrobe and I felt my cheeks redden.

Pulling it swiftly over his head, he turned off the lights and hopped into the bed beside me, immediately wrapping his arms around me, snuggling his head into my neck.

As his hair was still slightly damp, it felt cool and refreshing on the back of my neck, making me even more sleepy and relaxed. Because he had just showered, he smelt like a mixture of scented flowers and his skin was smooth and soft.

I inhaled his beautiful scent and sighed happily, before removing one of his arms from around my waist, and linked my hand with his, pulling it up close to me.

'Goodnight y/n.' He said softly, gently kissing my neck.

'Goodnight....' I whispered, almost immediately falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of the man whose very arms were wrapped tightly around me.


I woke up, feeling something soft touch my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tae smiling adorably at me, as he took his lips off of my forehead and instead pecked my lips.

I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face in his chest.

'I wanna go back to sleep.' I mumbled.

'Me too but I have work and you have training so we need to get up.' He laughed, stroking my hair.

I groaned and shifted into a more comfortable position, grabbing Taehyung's hand and admiring it in the sun that was shining into his room.

He laughed and I glanced at him curiously.

'Why do you love my hands so much?' He asked, grinning at me, and I blushed.

I pulled his hand closer to me and said softly:

'They're just so beautiful.'

I felt my face getting redder as Taehyung just stared at me, smiling.

Fake Love? (Kim Taehyung X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now