Twenty One.~

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He took his hands off of my shoulders and pulled something out from what I guessed was his pocket and suddenly there was a bright blinding light right in front of my face. I shielded my eyes with my hands.

'Oh my gosh I'm sorry!' He hastily apologised and moved his phone torch so it lit up our faces but wasn't directly in my eyes. I didn't say anything. I was still in shock. Now I could probably see him and he could see me. We took in each other's faces for a minute.

He looked... as gorgeous as ever. I had been an NCTzen for almost as long as I had been an ARMY and they had always remained one of my all time favourite groups after BTS. I couldn't believe I had bumped into yet another one of my favourite idols. Life was
seriously crazy.

Just then I remembered my messy, tear-stained face and hurriedly wiped my eyes and bowed to Jaemin, not sure what to say. He was younger than me by 2 or 3 years. Author's note: I changed it in Chapter 2 so that Tae is older than you. Oh. Taehyung. I still couldn't get him off of my mind. My heart ached for a second but I shook it off.

'No need to bow!' He exclaimed.
'It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning, why are you outside by yourself in the dark, crying! It's so dangerous.' Jaemin tutted and grabbed my arm, starting to walk.

'W-Wait!' I protested, trying to pull my arm back. 'Where are we going?'

'I'll take you back to my dorm where you can dry yourself and stay the night, and then explain yourself later.' He answered simply, pulling me closer to him.

'A-are you sure?' I asked anxiously, now letting him lead me.

'Of course. I can't just leave you!' He stopped for a second to give me a kind, reassuring smile, and then continued to walk.


We walked in silence, huddled together in the darkness, our only light being Jaemin's phone torch. This was more than a little strange, but comforting at the same time. I loved, admired and respected Jaemin as an idol, and he was such a nice, caring person in real life too. I was happy that I had his company and that I wasn't by myself.

But why was he out so late by himself anyway?

'I could ask the same to you.' I said quietly.

He glanced at me, surprised.

'Sorry.' I apologised for my sudden outburst and chuckled. He grinned too, looking slightly confused.

'What I meant was, why are you out so late by yourself too?'

'Ohh... late night practice.' He laughed.

'Ahh.. got you.' I smiled. I was too tired to say anything else.


Another bright light shone in my face and I groaned, covering my face.

'Turn off your torch Jaeminnn.' I whined sleepily.

I heard a laugh, which made my eyes shoot open.

Jaemin was hovering over me, smiling widely. I was lying down... in a bed!?

I sat up abruptly.

'What's happening!?' I cried.

'SHH! The others are still asleep!!' Jaemin shushed me loudly.

'Oh! Am I in your dorm!?'

'Well done for noticing the obvious.' He said sarcastically, crossing his arms sassily.

And before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed my pillow from underneath my head and threw it at him.

He stared at me in shock for a second but then threw it back; it hit me square in the face.

I would have thrown it at him again and started a full-on pillow fight, but I remembered my place and sat up in embarrassment.

'S-sorry for that. Thank you for letting me stay the night.'

'It's no problem.' Jaemin grinned.

It was then that I noticed a mattress on the floor next to the bed I was on.

'Wait...don't tell me that you slept on the floor!?' I exclaimed.

'Don't worry, I slept just fine. In fact I think I slept better than I usually do.' He chuckled.

I looked at him doubtfully.

'Anyway, why don't we head downstairs for some breakfast, and you can tell me who you are while you're at it too? I still don't even know your name!' Jaemin laughed.

'Oh yeah! My name is y/n....'

To be continued ~

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