Four. ~

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Your P.O.V
It had been 6 days since my audition with BigHit. The week had gone past quickly and I had forgotten that it was only one day till I found out whether I had passed my audition or not. I guess I'd just have to wait 24 more hours and hope for the best!

But I hadn't forgotten about Taehyung. Oh no. He was all I could think about. It was just like old times, except instead of replaying cute moments from videos in my head, I was replaying what actually happened. I remembered everything as clear as day.

I missed him so badly. I wanted to get to know him as an actual person, I just wanted to see him again. I didn't know what this feeling was. Love, a crush, fangirling? I didn't really believe in love at first sight. Ok I definitely at least had a crush on him. It was just so weird after loving him for so long and just - ugh I can't even explain. Although we had exchanged numbers, he hadn't texted me once since

Hi, this is TaeTae, just checking if it's you? ;)

Maybe he just felt pity on me and didn't actually want to be friends. Maybe he was just really busy? OH I DON'T KNOW

In frustration I whacked out my phone and stared angrily at his message. It was the then that I realised I never fucking replied. Oh wow. I almost screamed. 'How can I be so fucking stupid!?'  I thought.

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I only just realised I never replied! Yes this is y/n :)

I hurriedly replied. And guess what. He texted back almost instantly.

Taehyung's P.O.V
She still hadn't replied to me. After 6 days. 6 days where all I could see  in my mind was her face. I knew I liked her. I barely knew her but I already had a massive crush on her. I wanted to be friends with her, if not more. But by the looks of it, she didn't even think of me as that. She probably gave me a fake number. I sighed, staring at my phone screen.

'Still whining over that girl, Hyung' Jungkook chuckled, peering over my shoulder. I leapt up and punched him playfully ' You can't talk , Jungkook, you're literally scared of girls.'

He scowled at me, before flopping onto the couch next to me and putting his arm around me. 'Awh come on Hyung I'm sure she'll reply eventually! Or maybe you texted the wrong number?...'

I shrugged sadly, putting my phone down and staring at the rays of sunshine peeking into the room from behind the curtains. But just as I was about to get up to shower, my phone buzzed next to me. Jungkook grabbed it before I could and stared eagerly at the screen.

'HYUNG! IT'S HER!!!' He screamed and almost deafened me but I didn't care. I saw the text and almost cried with relief. She had forgotten to reply. That was all. WAIT DOES THAT MEAN SHE FORGOT ABOUT ME!?
I shook my head and typed a reply.

'Steady on Hyung.' Jungkook laughed, just as Yoongi walked into the room. He rolled his eyes, grabbed his headphones and back upstairs he went.
Well at least I thought he did. To our surprise he came in and smiled at us.

'Tae's getting a girl is he?' But we payed no attention to him so he rolled his eyes again, grinned and swiftly left the room.

To be continued ~

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