Ten. ~

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Your P.O.V
At the restaurant we ordered lots of food, and I was worried because I was on a diet, but Hobi told me not to worry.

'As long as you keep exercising you'll be fine.' He reassured me, after we had ordered. The three of us sat talking until our food arrived, but just as the waiter came over to our table, Jimin pointed outside.

I gulped before turning around. He had stopped in front of the restaurant and was waving at us cheerily. I grinned at him.

'COME AND JOIN US!' Hobi shouted, and he came inside the restaurant.
'Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt anything.'
'Don't be stupid!' Jimin scoffed, pulling a chair over for him.

We all ate and chatted for the next hour and it was a lot of fun catching up with them all together. I kinda wished the other members were here with us, but they had their own stuff to do. After we'd finished all our food, even though we were full to the brim, we decided to order dessert.

We called over the waiter and I said '4 cheesecakes please'.
'Actually could we just have two?' Hobi suddenly said. We looked at him curiously. Once the waiter left Hobi stood up and grabbed Jimin's arm.
'I just remembered that me and Jimin have a rehearsal session scheduled for now and we must leave. You two can have dessert though.'

Me and Taehyung glanced at each other before looking at them suspiciously. This was obviously set up.
'Hyungs, I'm sure you can stay just for another 10 minutes!' Tae said.
Jimin shook his head.
'We can't I'm sorry. But that was a lovely meal thank you. See you back at the dorm.' And with that they left.

'Well I guess it's just us then.' Tae said. Our cheesecakes arrived and we ate them in silence. Things had never been so awkward. I sighed. Was now the perfect time to confess? I looked up and watched Tae eat. I was so in love with him. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to say something.

'Y/n. Have you been staring at me. Cause I feel like you have.' He raised his eyebrows playfully before crossing his arms on the table and resting his chin on them.

I felt my cheeks go red and I tried to avoid his eyes but he was looking directly at me.

'N-no I have not. Taehyung. Why would I do that?!' I coughed.
He reached across the table and pulled my arms towards his and made me cross them in the same way he was. Now I couldn't avoid him. Thanks a lot, Tae.

'Because..I'm the most handsome man you have ever laid you eyes upon?' He tried to be as serious as possible but I could see the smile creeping onto his face.

'Well maybe you are.. but I was repeat, I was not staring at you.' I muttered, pouting.
'Wait what was that. I am the most handsome you have ever laid your eyes upon?' He snickered, and my face went red once again.

'No! No you are not. That's not what I meant!' I almost shouted in frustration. He held my hands, still laughing at me.
'Ok ok, calm down.... But can I just say. I personally think that you're the most beautiful woman I have laid my eyes upon.' I gazed into his eyes and saw that he was being completely serious.

Slowly, he lifted up his hand and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. My heart was beating so fast, it always did when I was with him, but never this much.

I hated trapping this feeling inside of me and I couldn't take it anymore. After all, the worst that could happen was that he'd say he'd rather be friends, and that's it. I doubt it would make our relationship awkward, Tae wasn't that type of person. But at the same time, there was a big part of me that really really hoped and dreamed and wished that he felt the same. Why else would he do all these romantic gestures? Holding my hand, staring into my eyes. Or was it all just my imagination? There was only one way to find it.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, about to say all that I had been feeling for so long, when I felt something warm and soft on my lips.

I couldn't believe this. Tae's lips were on mine. He. Was. Kissing. Me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, but before the kiss deepened, he pulled away.

Slightly out of breath he smiled at me and put his hands on my shoulders.
'You have no idea how long I've wanted to that.' He started laughing and before I knew it I was laughing too. Luckily no one was inside the restaurant, not even the waiter, apart from us, otherwise they would have thought we were crazy.

And also cause we just kissed in public.

After a minute or so of us both dying of laughter for no reason whatsoever, we went silent. I waited for him to say something, and finally he did.

'I-i think I love you. I think I want to be with you for the rest of my life and take care of you and have you be mine and mine only. Wait no. I know I love you.' He just stared at me, waiting for my response.

It was the sweetest confession I had ever gotten before, and I felt so estatic, I wanted to cry. Instead, I held back my tears and said.

'I love you too, Taehyung. I know have for a long time. And I think this may be the happiest day of my life.' Before I could even properly finish my sentence, he grabbed my arm, stood me up and wrapped his arms around me.

We stood in an embrace for about a minute, and just as I was about to break away, he whispered.

'Today isn't the happiest day of your life. The happiest day of your life is when we get married.'

Classic Taehyung.

To be continued ~

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