Twenty Six.~

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Me and Jaemin were both in awe. I wasn't sure what to say for a minute, but then I felt angry. I stood up to face Tae.

'Wow, so you just ignore me for a week, and now you just come here to ruin me spending time with my friend?'

Tae looked surprised and a little hurt by what I said.

'I'm sorry I was just asking.' He replied quietly.

'What gives you the right to ask?'

'I-...You're right I don't have a right to ask. I don't even have the right to talk to you or look at you. I'm sorry.' Tears rolled down his cheeks as he said this.

My anger melted away and I wasn't sure what to do next, when suddenly someone shouted from across the cafe.


The whole cafe went silent and everyone stared at us in shock.

I glanced at Jaemin and then back at Taehyung.

'Run.' He mouthed. I nodded in reply.

And before I knew what was happening, I grabbed Tae and Jaemin's hands and ran out of the cafe, people screaming and running after us.

This was the first time I had held Taehyung's hand in around a month and it felt good; I didn't want to let go of it.

We ran and ran but still people were behind us; we weren't sure where to go to lose them.

We could hear cameras clicking and people crying things like :

'He lied to everyone and kept it a secret!' and it was breaking my heart.

I didn't want everyone to find out like this. This would badly ruin Tae's reputation and probably mine too. I was confused why Tae wasn't just denying it all or saying anything in his defense but it was his choice to make on how to deal with it.

We approached a crossroad and the people/fans chasing us were further behind now.

'Umm..I guess I should probably go my way now?' Jaemin said sheepishly.

Me and Tae both nodded in agreement. I realised that us two were still holding hands but I pretended not to notice.

'Good luck.' Jaemin smiled at me reassuringly before running off in another direction.

The sound of the fans shouts and fast footsteps were now getting louder. I looked at Tae, alarmed and unsure of what to do next.

He pointed to an alleyway at the side of the road that led to BigHit; we had used it many times before but I had kinda forgotten about it.

Different thoughts were running through my head all at the same time. I was so happy to just be with Tae again.

Even though we were running away
from crazy fans or maybe even haters who had just discovered we were 'dating', it felt so nice to just be there with him, holding his hand like it was a normal thing to do. Like before.

I followed him into the alleyway and we raced down it, until the shouts and screams started to die down. Taehyung was in front of me, pulling me along and I just ran behind him, very much out of breath.

'W-wait..' I panted. I tried to let go of his hand to stop for a second but he just gripped it tighter.

He continued to run but I just couldn't keep up anymore.

'T-tae.. I can't run...anymore.' I slowed down, pulling his hand down towards me and panting loudly.

And before I knew what was happening I felt myself being lifted off of the ground and within seconds I was on Tae's back, his arms tightly hugging my legs. He was...carrying me?

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