Twenty Eight.~

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'Yah, please never fight like this again!' Yoongi sighed, shaking his head as he took off his shoes.

Everyone had been told that me and Tae had resolved our argument (by someone by the name of JeON JuNGkoOK) and they all seemed really happy to hear that.

I was happy too, of course, but it was slightly embarassing because all of today it had been the only thing anyone had talked to me about. I could only imagine what it would be like if the fans knew about our relationship. But that would have to come eventually, one day, right?

'We won't,' Taehyung laughed, gently putting his hand on my thigh, sending butterflies into my stomach.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

'How do you know that? Fights are a normal thing when you're in a relationship with someone.' I said.

He suddenly rested his head on my shoudlers and said quietly:

'Yeah but I don't like fighting with you. It makes you sad which makes me sad. I will try my hardest to never get into fights with you, especially not big ones like this.'

I pushed his head jokingly , blushing.

He pouted his lips, sliding down the couch. He looked so cute I couldn't help laughing.

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he took off his jacket and bag. But I could see the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

'I'm gonna go upstairs before you two start making out.'

I blushed and hid my face behind Tae's shoulder in shame, as he simultaneously threw a cushion at Yoongi while shouting 'HYUNG!'.

Ignoring him, Yoongi began climbing up the stairs, but just as he reached the last step, he turned back around.

Not making eye contact with either of us, he looked down at the floor and muttered:

'I'm happy you two are back together.' He hurried to his room before either of us could say anything.

This reminded me of when Yoongi used to have a crush on me and it made me so happy to see how well he had gotten over me, and how he was fully supporting our relationship. Although, of course, I knew that he would have never been against it anyway.

'Aw I love Yoongi.' I said cheerfully, laying back on the sofa and putting my head on Taehyung's lap.

He frowned down at me.

'More than you love me?'

I rolled my eyes and adjusted myself on his lap, turning to face away from him.

'It's a different type of love. But no, I love you more.' I mumbled.

I could feel him smiling behind me, as he started playing with my hair.

We remained like this in silence for a few minutes before I finally spoke up.

'Please don't think you're not good enough for me Taehyung. As I've said before, you mean everything to me. I don't want to even think of losing you ever again.'

'I'm sorry.' he said quietly, wrapping one strand of my hair around his finger. 'I'm so so sorry for putting you through that. It was so stupid and it was all my fault.'

I turned around in his lap, this time to face him. He avoided my eyes but I could see the tears falling.

I sat up, moved off of his lap and wiped his tears with my hand. I smiled at him and made him look at me.

'Don't worry about it. At least we got over it and we're together now. That's all that matters.' I said consolingly.

He stared at me for a few seconds before smiling and nodding. Tae gently grabbed my wrist which was still wiping the remains of his tears, and linked his fingers with mine. Leaning forward, he put his lips on mine and kissed me sweetly and passionately.

After pulling away, he pulled me back onto his lap and put his arms around me.

'I wish we could spend more time together, like this, always.' He said into my neck.

'Me too. You really do deserve a break, Taehyung. You're so tired.' I said sadly.

'I know, I am. I love my job and my fans, but I think it would be nice to have even just a week, where I can stay at home with no distractions, and just spend time with you.'

I turned my head around to look at him.

'When's your next break?'

'Actually, I only just remembered this, but I think it's the week after next!' He kissed the top of my head with joy and I smiled.

'But aren't you training?' He asked, his face darkening slightly.

'Our manager actually said that for the next month we can pick any of the weeks to have our break, so I'll just pick the same one as you.'

'YAYYYY!' Tae yelled really loudly and I covered my ear, laughing.

We sat together for the next ten minutes, singing some of our favourite songs together, and just enjoying each other's company. It was just then that I got reminded of something.

'Taeeeee?' I said.

'Mmm?' He responded. He was trying to plait my hair and was concentrating really hard. I could already tell that he was failing but I didn't say anything about it.

'When do you think we'll tell the fans about ... us?'

' day, of course.' He said, contemplating. 'We'll know when it's time. But definitely not until after you debut.'

I nodded, agreeing with him.

'Hey! Don't move! I'm almost finished.'

'Okay, okay! Sorry boss.' I laughed.

Through the corner of my eyes I could see him biting his lip in frustration adorably.

After about another 2 minutes of him struggling, he finally finished.

'There!' he said, moving in front of me to admire his work.

'What do you think?' he asked me, his eyes gleaming with hope.

I grabbed a small mirror from the coffee table and studied the reflection of my hair. Honestly, it wasn't too bad.

He seemed really proud of himself and I could tell he really wanted me to be pleased with it so I gave him the biggest smile I could and said:

'It's perfect. I'll keep it in for the rest of the day.'

Tae pulled me up from the sofa and hugged me tightly.

'I'm glad you like it.'

He was slightly choking me but I tolerated it.

'You know I love you right?' I laughed again.

For a few seconds he didn't say anything, to annoy me.

But then, he moved his mouth closer to my ear and whispered:

'I love you more.'

To be continued ~

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