Twenty Seven.~

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I put down the carton of juice, in complete shock. The room was in complete silence, Tae's arms still around me and his head still hovering above my shoulder.

The silence was suddenly broken by a few quiet sobs. Taehyung moved his chin off of my shoulder and buried his head into the back of my neck. He cried softly into my hair and I felt my own eyes tear up.

At that moment, I felt so many different things at the same time. My emotions were going crazy and I was frozen to the spot.

Tears slowly cascaded down my cheeks in waterfalls and before I knew it I was sobbing, covering my face with my hands.

Tae gently took his arms off of my waist and twisted me around, pulling me into a tight hug.

I laid my head against his chest and we cried into each other's arms.

Finally after a few minutes, our sobs died down and we were just hugging in silence.

'I'm so so sorry.' He said, his voice cracking.

'It's okay.' I replied, not realizing what I was saying.

I pulled out of the hug and looked down at the ground.

'Well, it's not okay. But why did all of this happen? What suddenly made you .... not love me anymore?' I wiped a tear from my left eye and looked up, deep into his eyes.

He grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

'I never once stopped loving you, y/n. Never. I just...' He took a deep breath.

'We could barely see each other. And I felt so bad that I couldn't be there for you, always be by your side like normal boyfriends. And at times whenever we did get to meet, I was often moody or grumpy because I was so tired. I felt so incredibly guilty about everything, it was killing me. So then I thought, maybe, you'd be better off without me. Being with someone else, who was there for you every morning and every night, or at least there for you more than I was. Someone who truly made you happy.'

'But one thing I didn't realize when I made that decision was, that I couldn't live without you either. I knew that I just had to try and let go of you, so that you could find someone else, but I was finding it impossible to do. You were the only thing I could think of. I couldn't concentrate on anything else. You were and still are more important to me than anything else, so I tried my hardest to withstand it, but every time I saw you I just wanted to run to you and hug you tightly and tell you that I loved you.

'When you became friends with Jaemin, I thought, maybe he could be that someone else who brightened up your life. But when I saw you with him I realised that I couldn't stand seeing you with anyone else apart from me. These past few weeks, I cried every single night. Part of me hoped that you were slowly moving on from me and maybe starting to like Jaemin instead, but the other part of me was craving for you. I missed you so much. I love you so much y/n please forgive me and come back to me. We can make this work. Life isn't worth living without you.'

By the time he finished, his face was flooded with tears once more, and I could feel my own eyes brimming with them too.

He left me for my own good. It was the most stupid thing he could have ever done, but still. He did it for me.

'You're wrong.' I said.

He stared at me in shock, unsure of what to say back.

'You are there for me. Always. Even when you can't physically be with me. Whenever I'm sad, guess what I do? I think about you. You were saying how you wanted me to find someone who truly made me happy? My life has been a million times better ever since I met you. I was/am happier than I've ever been in my entire life. You brightened up my life Taehyung. You. Not Jaemin or anyone else for that matter. And ever since our argument, I've been going through probably one of the toughest periods of time in my entire life; worrying that I'm going to lose you. And no, I'm not going to come back to you. Because I never left you in the first place.'

Before I knew what was happening, I felt warm lips on mine and two arms wrap tightly around my waist. I put my arms around his neck as our lips moved against each other. His hands moved up my back and my hands grew tangled in his soft silky hair as the kiss became more passionate. He pulled me closer to him and I was losing my breath; I could tell he was too. I had missed this feeling so much. We hadn't kissed in such a long time and honestly I didn't want to stop. I smiled into the kiss; happiness rising inside me. I was finally back in Taehyung's arms.

He pulled away slowly, before pecking my lips one last time. I wrapped my arms around him instantly, and he rested his head against mine, playing with my hair.

'I love you so much.' I said, closing my eyes.

'I love you too.' he replied.

'I love you three.'

Me and Tae broke away in surprise to see Jungkook trying to join in our hug. (If that makes sense lol.)

He grinned cheekily at us and we stared at him for a second, before laughing.

'I'm glad the two of you are back together.' He smiled.

'We were never apart.' Taehyung said firmly, in response, before I could even open my mouth.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

To be continued ~


Also tysm for so many reads! I appreciate it a lot. :) 💖

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