Fifteen. ~

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I nervously fiddled with my fingernails as Chae (a stylist) added the final touches to my make up.

My manager, Jiyo, had explained to me that he wanted to send some of us trainees with the boys to experience what it's like being an idol. And also for some moral support. He said chose only me because the rest of the girls had some photoshoots and things to do that I had already done.

I had no choice but to go, and to be honest, I was pretty excited. I was getting all dressed up like a real idol and I was getting to see all the behind the scenes action in the dressing room. I was also really nervous. What would fans think seeing a girl trainee here? And more importantly, would BTS win an award? I had full faith in them.

Finally, my make up was complete and Chae moved away to do Jungkook's eyebrows. I anxiously looked around for Taehyung, when I felt two hands wrap gently around my shoulders.

'I was looking for you!' I chuckled, knowing instantly who it was.
'Same here!' Tae laughed, squeezing my shoulders and hugging me. He kissed me on the forehead and suddenly the worries I had before reappeared.

'What's wrong?' He lifted my chin and gazed at me, seeing the worry on my face. 'Are you nervous?'

'It's not that... Well it is that, but something else too. Literally no one knows about us except inside BigHit and our close family and friends. What if someone sees or just suspects something?' I mumbled.

'Aww y/n!' He hugged me again.
'I thought about that too, but you shouldn't worry. No one can make up a rumour just from seeing us standing together. You'll be standing with the rest of Bangtan and some of BigHit team too.'

'Yeah but... you just kissed me on my forehead. And the door is slightly open. What if someone saw!?'

'If they did see they would be an idol too, because we're backstage. And that would be fine! I'm probably friends with them. But I do see what you mean. I guess we need to be more careful about PDA.' Tae said.

Me and Tae hadn't really had the chance to have many proper dates outside, so we didn't really get to experience 'hiding' our relationship in public. Tae had to be careful going out in public anyway; people recognised him every 5 seconds. Not that he had much of a chance to go out anyway.

'Hey y/n, can you get some more bottles of water?' Another of our managers suddenly called, interrupting my and Taehyung's short conversation.

Doing little jobs like this was also one of the reasons I was here. And I was more than happy to help.

'Of course, but where from?' I called back.

'Umm ask one of the members of staff who work here outside.' He replied.

'On it!' I gave Tae's hand a quick squeeze before rushing out of the dressing room to get the water.

The corridor was buzzing with people, mainly staff for all that I could see. The thought of meeting another idol was constantly on my mind, but right now I had to concentrate on my task.
I saw a lady with a staff badge standing nearby so I tapped her politely on the shoulder.
'Excuse me, where could I get some more bottles of water.'

'Ah I think you'll have to ask another idol, as we're running out. Why don't you try that dressing room over there?' She pointed kindly at the door at the end of the corridor.

'Ah okay. Thank you!'

I hurried over to the door, my heat beat increasing. I was going to get to meet another idol group!? But who could it be!?

As I approached the door, I peered at the sign to read whose dressing room it was.


To be continued ~

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