Chapter 1

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Ian Crawford roared through gritted teeth as his feet hit the sidewalk. He couldn't believe that his live in girlfriend Dedra was fucking his long time rival Noel Greene. As he turned towards the direction of retreat, he didn't notice the young woman that was running. She hit his left shoulder; with him being angry he pushed back without a care. His eyes widened when he noticed the beautiful woman spinning around trying to catch her balance. She had the look of terror when she couldn't control her footing and stepped into oncoming traffic. There was the sound of a gasp and then shattered glass. Ian rushed to the unconscious woman and sped dialed 911. He felt some ease when he quickly heard sirens in the distance. He quietly thought to himself, "Dear God, what have I done?"

Three days later

Brooke's eyes eased open. She heard the beeping sound of machines and turned to face them. She turned to her right as she noticed an IV in her arm. In front of the bed was a dry erase board with the nurse on duties name and the date. Below the date was written Jane Doe. She stared to breath heavily from anxiety when she tried to remember how she got there, but she soon realized she couldn't remember anything! Nothing but her first name, Brooke. She was on the verge of tears as she frantically looked around the solitary room for something to jog her memory, but nothing.

Ian shuffled on to the hospital floor as the elevator opened. He smirked at the ladies at the nursing station, "Ladies, how's our patient today?"

All the nurses giggled, "Fine Mr. Crawford.."

He winked and proceeded to Brooke's hospital room. He was shocked to see her trying to ease out of her bed. She had the look of a deer caught in head lights. She backed away on the bed as she held up her hand, "Please.. Don't hurt me.."

Ian's mouth went dry from guilt. He was the whole reason that she was here, "No one is going to hurt you.. You were in an accident." He watched as she sat frozen, "Do you have any family that we may contact? You did not have any ID, wallet or phone."

Brooke pressed her eyes closed, "I... I can't remember.."

Ian's brow wrinkled, "Do you remember your name?"

Brooke's eyes eased open with tears, "Just my first. My name is Brooke."

Ian smiled as he gently eased over to her bed and sat, "Why would you think I was going to hurt you?"

Brooke's eyes searched out an answer, "It just came naturally out.. Is that not normal?"

Ian handsome face showed sympathy, "Im going to let the doctor know your awake. I'll be right back."

As he turned to leave, he turned back as she spoke, "What is your name?"

Ian gave her a warm smile, "Ian.."

Brooke have a half smile back, "Thank you Ian."

After the doctor did his examination, Ian listened as he explained his findings to Brooke, "Brooke, due to your head injury, you seem to be suffering from temporary memory loss. Also your blood test show you are severely anemic. Do you try to eat healthy, or can you remember if you have a meat allergy or anything else?"

Brooke sadly shook her head, "No sir."

Ian studied her expressions and demeanor while she was questioned. He was trying to find a hint of any deceit in her story, but the poor beauty was clueless.

The doctor sighed, "Well.. I can release you today. I'll speak with the welfare attendant here to see if she knows any woman shelters that might have a vacancy."

Brooke held her head lower as she started to cry, "Thank you."

Ian followed the doctor out as he left, "Can she not stay here until her memory returns?"

The doctor stopped and rolled his eyes, "This is not a bed and breakfast Mr. Crawford. If your so concerned with her welfare, you deal with her."

Ian stared in disbelief as he watched the doctor disappear around the corner. He growled as he rubbed his mouth in frustration. He stopped outside the doorway as he heard the nurse, "How would you like to arrange your payment?"

Brooke had a worried expression on her face, "I.. I don't know.."

"It's covered!" Both women snapped their faces to the doorway. The nurse slightly laughed, "Mr. Crawford... With all due respect.. Her bill is very substantial."

Ian glared angrily at the nurse, "How much?"

She rolled her eyes as she huffed. Brooke and Ian both watched as she shifted through the paper work, "We are talking at least $50,000. Is that cash, check, or charge?"

Ian pulled out his wallet and tossed his credit card to the nurse. She coldly glared at him as she left the room. He slowly turned his eyes to a distraught Brooke, "You okay?"

She tried to hold back the tears, "I.. I can't pay you back."

Ian strolled up to her with his hands in his pockets, "Well.. Its the least I can do; since I'm the reason your in here."

Brooke looked to him with curiosity and thought to herself, "What now?"

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