Chapter 5

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"Brooke! Come along! We are going to be late!" Ian froze as he turned to the kitchen doorway.

"Are these clothes appropriate for your office?" Brooke bit her bottom lip in anticipation for approval.

Ian cleared his throat, "Yes, you look fine." He then looked away.Brooke shyly shrugged off his slack complement. When she turned to walk out, he turned back to watch he long lean legs and stilettos. He quietly sighed to himself, "Damn.."

Brooke's smile dropped open as she took in the massive buildings lobby, "Wow Ian! You work here?"

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Brooke's smile dropped open as she took in the massive buildings lobby, "Wow Ian! You work here?"

Ian tucked his arm in hers as he smirked, "I own it."

"Oh..!" She turned her surprised face to him as he pulled her along.

He felt amused as though it was taking a toddler out for the first time; but his amusement soon vanished as he realized, maybe it was her first time. He gently lead her to the lobby desk for any immediate messages.

Brooke noticed an inside water wall and walked over to investigate. She was caught off guard as she heard someone spoke, "Hello."

Brooke turned to a handsome thirty year old, "Hello." She turned her curiosity back to the fountain.

The young gentleman cleared his throat, "Do you work here?"

Brooke kept her gaze on the wall, "Nope.."

The man was amused, "Are you here on business?"

Brooke turned her perfect smile to him as she was about to speak, but Ian interrupted, "Brooke! Come along.."

The gentleman's face color turned pale, "Are you with him?"

Brooke continued to smile, "Why yes.. Do you know him?"

The gentleman looked frightened as he turned back to Ian, "Sorry.. I didn't know.."

Brooke slightly frowned as she noticed Ian's cold glare. She slowly made her way over to him, "Im sorry Ian, I didn't mean to delay you."

He huffed as he took her arm, "It should be your last name.."

Brooke looked down as they rode the elevator in silence. Ian clenched his jaw as he regretted the mean words he had spoken. They were bombarded by a number of assistances as the elevator door opened.  Ian gently ushered her along as they made their way to his office. All Brooke could hear was jumbled chatter,

"Sir, you're late for your 8:30.."

"What about the Hogan account..? I need an answer now.."

"Your sister called, said she expected you for dinner tonight at 7pm."

Ian roared as he kept walking, "Tell them I'm on my way.. Hogan needs to lower his price by thirty percent.. Tell my sister, I am bringing a guest.."

They all answered at the same time, "On it.." Brooke frowned as he continued to pull her along. His irritation grew as he noticed the male employees gawking at her, "Get back to work! I don't pay you just to stand around all day!"

When they finally reached the door, he slightly pushed her in and slammed it.

Brooke nervously fumble with her fingers as she looked around to avoid his anger. Ian quickly strutted over to his desk and logged into the Skype meeting. Brooke gently sat on the sofa and kept quiet as he had his meeting. Every now and then she would catch him glaring at her. She wrinkled her brow as she pondered what she did that  upset him so.

Ian's expression eased when he noticed how upset she was. He sighed after his meeting was over and strolled over to her. He knelt down in front of her crossed legs and gently held one of her hands, "I'm sorry.. for the mean things I said. You didn't ask to be here. I lose my temper sometimes, especially when I think someone is try to.." Brooke nibble on her bottom lip as she listened for him to continue. "I'm just try to protect you. It's seems as though you know nothing of the outside world, and your extremely pretty, sweet, young, and trusting. I don't want someone to take advantage of you."

"You think I'm pretty?"

Ian slightly blushed, "Yes Brooke.. You're beautiful.."

She blushed as she looked down at her hands, "Why did you bring me here?"

"I was afraid with my busy schedule, your needs would be neglected. Plus, I like seeing you."

Brooke continued to look down, "I'm glad you was there at my accident. I know now you wouldn't take advantage of me."

His heart felt heavy as he realized she didn't remember it was him that knocked her into the car that day. She noticed his sadness and caressed his face, "What's wrong?"

He nervously smiled as he touched her hand, "Nothing.."

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