Chapter 29

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Brooke moaned as her eyes rolled and fluttered open as she smelled the strong fragrance of roses. She felt a stinging sensation as she raised her left hand and noticed an IV. Her confused eyes then landed on the engagement ring that hung loosely from her boney finger.

Her eyes scanned the room and stopped on the doorway as she heard Ian's voice talking to someone on his phone, "No, she is still out... I will let you know as soon as she wakes up."

Brooke's eyes remained locked on the door as he walked in.

Ian froze as he locked with her large sunken eyes. He didn't know what to say, or what to do. He thought he was dreaming.  He felt tears ease into his eyes as he stepped to her.

Brooke's hand shook as she reached and placed it on his face. Her lips twitched as she smiled when she heard him exhale the breath he was holding.

Ian wanted to hold her, but with her being so skinny, he was afraid he would break her. He smiled at her frail smile, "I.. missed you..."

Brooke squeezed his hand and whispered, "Me too.."

Ian leaned over to her bed rail and buzzed the nurses station. "Yes Mr. Crawford.."

Ian smiled his devilish smile, "I believe the future Miss Crawford would like something to drink please."

Brooke's face snapped to the door as three nurses immediately appeared in her room. They all were rambling on asking her needs. Ian held up his hand at their attention, "Just a glass of water and straw please."

The three women exited and one returned with a cup of water. Ian helped her hold it as her hands shook. She noticed his wrinkled brow as he watched her weak hands. She shyly looked down as he realized she was watching him.

She glanced back up at his handsome face, "Thank you."

Ian eased closer and pressed his forehead to hers, "Im not dreaming am I?"

Brooke tilted her eyes to his and shook her head. He gently placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. She closed her eyes and turned into it so their lips would meet. Ian pressed into her lips and started to cry. He leaned down and laid his head into her lap as he sobbed.

Brooke looked down on him with sympathetic eyes as she stroked his hair, "Your so tired.. I can tell.."

Ian's eyes eased closed as he drifted off to sleep.
Next day

As Ian opened Brooke's hospital room door, he cocked a questionable brow as he noticed her privacy curtain pulled

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As Ian opened Brooke's hospital room door, he cocked a questionable brow as he noticed her privacy curtain pulled. He heard the nurse talking to Brooke, "Its getting better Miss Brooke, just give it time."

Ian held his breath as he pulled the curtain. Brooke gasped and looked away as she covered her battered bony body. She had huge lacerations from the pressure washer torture. The nurses nervously stepped away and left the room. Brooke continued to look down as she secured her hospital gown.

She hissed in pain as she tried to tie the back. Ian pursed his lips as he stood behind her. She pressed her eyes closed as he eased open the gown and studied her battered skin.

Brooke shivered as he placed a gentle kiss on an un damaged area.

Ian sighed as he secured her gown and whispered in her right ear, "Don't hide from me. You will always be beautiful."

She silently hung her head and smiled.

Ian sat next to her bed as he watched her eyes fighting sleep, her attention was perked up as the doctor stepped into the room.

"Hello Brooke. How are we feeling today?"

" Really tired."

The doctor sighed as he took out his otoscope and examined her ear, "Looks like your ear drum is healing nicely. Any pain with it?"

Brooke shook her head.

He then took out his stethoscope, "Okay deep breath."

Brooke did as she was told and waited for him to listen. He smiled as he put back his instrument, "Chest is all clear."

Brooke smiled to Ian as he squeezed her hand. They both turned their attention back to the doctor as he continued, "Brooke, with your blood work; you had slight sign of the pregnancy hormone."

Brooke's brow wrinkled as she sat up higher, "Had..?"

The doctor cut his eyes to both Ian and her and sighed, "Im sorry .."

Brooke's chest started to heave, "But.. I... I... I'm not bleeding.. I... Can't there be a mistake?"

The doctor stood and lightly patted her shoulder, "I'm sorry Brooke. With all of the factors that you went through, the first twelve weeks are very delicate. I'm so sorry.." Ian squeezed her hand as the doctor took his leave.

Brooke sat in a daze as she raised her shaking hand to her mouth and let out a muffled sob. She felt a piece of her die as her mind came to terms of their loss.

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